Dec 31, 2016

(I hope this is the) Final design for Player

This is either the 3rd or 4th iteration of Player's design. Player characters designs - at least for me - are difficult to settle on because you don't want the players to get tired of looking at them. But this will HOPEFULLY be the final design. I'd hate to redesign her again.

So a few things I changed/different from the WIP CG in pre-build 4.4 is namely the hairstyle. Aside from giving her random strands of hair that curls upwards to her right, the previous random ahoge (cowlick) never really sat well with me, so I changed that to a slightly more natural looking one. Other than that, she still retains the vest coat, but now with extra belts. That half skirt thingy is now on her left. And finally I removed the gloves because I realized it looked terrible. (By the way, anatomy's a god damn bitch.)

With that out of the way, the other news is that the update is coming along nicely. I should hopefully be able to release pre-build 5 sometime in January provided I'm not scheduled more shifts. God I hate working in retail. Anyway, that's it for today and happy new years eves!

Dec 25, 2016

Merry Christmas! (Christmas 2016)

Merry Christmas everyone! While I apologize for not having the update ready yet, I drew a quick portrait for the occasion. I've missed the chance to draw a bunny outfit for Easter and skimpy costume for Halloween, but I don't wanna miss what is essentially the last Holiday of the year. So here you go, a somewhat sexy Christmas outfit for you guys. I only drew a portrait because I only have a few hours left before the clock hits 12.

You might also notice her hairstyle looks a little different, that's because I've decided to touch up the design of her hairstyle a little. Because with the characters I've had planned and some designed, the Player character looks literally the least interesting. So I touched it up a little. The thing with designing protagonists is that you don't want them to look too overwhelming and make other characters unnoticeable or making them too underwhelming and make the protagonist look shitty. So yeah, there ya go. I'm still not entirely satisfied with the hairstyle though, so expect it to be tweaked further.

That's it for today, see you guys next year!

Nov 15, 2016

New project announcement! (HIATUS/CANCELED)

 UPDATE: Project Iodine is now on hiatus/canceled until further notice.

Apologies for the lack of progress updates for the past 2 weeks. I've been busy with work and couldn't find much time to work on the game. And whenever I found the time to work on the game, I feel burned out from working on the same damn thing over and over. I know game development is a long and tedious process and most who work in this field don't really have much freedom to decide on which project they work on. While this isn't necessarily true for every studio, most studio have to commit to a project long term because of their contract with their publisher or for some various other reason.

But since that's not the case for me (luckily), I'm announcing a new project under the working title of Project Iodine! Instead of a 10 hour long story-driven epic, Project Iodine is more or less content and player driven. In the reins of games like (ordered based on inspiration) RimWorld, Sheltered, State of Decay and more, Project Iodine will be a zombie survival base building simulator top-down shooter hentai game. Instead of being story-driven, you can play for as long as you like as you feel like it. It's still gonna be built on RPG Maker MV because I'm an asshole and want to see how far I can push the engine. I made a thread with some details on LoK, so check it out.

Here's a little design of the main menu. The background changes depending on which button you have selected. Not all of the backgrounds are as pornographic as this though.
I'm somehow both great and terrible at the same time at drawing hands.
This is a much smaller scaled project and hopefully it'll take some of the burned out feeling I've got from working on Captivity for so long. That said, I'll still attempt to get enough new content in by the end of the month to release pre-build 5. But yeah, that's it for today!

Oct 30, 2016

Yay! Plugin's done!

So you may or may not have known, I recently requested someone I know to write a plugin to make animating the text windows easier. It's pretty much done now. Right now it's just to keep an eye out for any bugs and still needing to add a missing function. I'm working on converting the old common events to the plugin's commands. This is going to make eventing SO much cleaner. So here's a big thanks to YSlayer! And check out his game: A land of Flowers (A VX Ace game). It's basically yuri ecchi (and the game may or may not have my illustrations in the future), so if you're interested in that, check that out.

And that's it for today! I'll work on converting the old stuff to the new one. And once that's done, I'll work on the maps and hopefully have an update with new content/story by the end of November? See you next post!

Oct 20, 2016

Guess what time it is?

No, not update time unfortunately. I just wanna make the title of this post relevant to its content. But worry not! I am slowly chucking away at it. In fact, I've just rewritten the time system entirely from the ground up with pure eventing. I know I'm an narcissistic asshole who likes self-deprecating humor (if you haven't figure that out by now), but I'm honestly REALLY impressed with myself this time. Technical stuff below, but other than that, I'm also brainstorming a way to keep track of NPC locations so if you say, enter a building, the NPCs outside will "keep moving," and when you go outside again, the NPCs will remember how long it has passed since you entered a building and be properly adjusted to a distance based on that info. Yeah, once again, complicated. Because NPCs in RPG Makers aren't built to be kept track of like NPCs in Harvest Moons, Rune Factories and Stardew Valley. (An excuse for me to mention Stardew Valley. The characters isn't as fun as Harvest Moons' or Rune Factory's, but still a great game. Give it a try if you like Harvest Moon or Rune Factory.)

So, on to the technical stuff. The time system I previously used is a 3rd party plugin by Moghunter/Atelier Rgss. It has several problems with it and since I can't program, I can't make edits myself. So I looked into another plugin, and this one's from Hudell. But just like Moghunter's, it has its own share of problems. Namely, Moghunter's hour hand in the clock HUD doesn't move. Yes. It bothers me (that being said, I've decided to not include an analog clock HUD anyway). It also doesn't properly fix overflowing values, but I haven't checked Hudell's to see if it does the same. And Hudell's is also written in a way that keeps the clock running despite tabbing out of the game. Which as you might guess, is kind of a problem. So, it's obvious that some sort of change is needed (insert political joke here). And the result is me completely rewriting the system that's fully tailored to the game's needs. Okay, it's a time system. There's not much features you can add to a time system. But the idea is that it runs independently from the other systems, and if some other event make changes to the time, the time system itself will make the proper adjustments if something went wrong. Like auto correcting overflowing values! If say, I'm doing something stupid like adding 323 minutes instead of 5 hours and 23 minutes, the system will be smart enough to do the calculations to determine 323 minutes = 5 hours and 23 minutes, and adds the values properly. With a system like this, I don't have to add a conditional branch to fix overflowing values every time I manipulate some other time value. Generally speaking, it just makes events cleaner for me to manage and write.

The system sounds like it's very complicated, but truthfully, it's a very elegantly written solution. I've optimized it to all hell and made sure it doesn't do unnecessary calculations and waste computing power. If only I could say the same for the other existing systems in place... The animated text windows is made up of 8 fucking common events and choice boxes is made up of 4 fucking ones. Like, what the hell? So yeah, that's about it for today I guess. See you guys later!

Oct 16, 2016

What's going on?

Hi guys. Apologies for the huge lack of any sort of progress update for the past 2 weeks or so. I've been really busy with part time work and all. Y'know when I took a part time job, I expected to have time in between shifts to work on the game, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Now a little background on my financial situation so you'd have an idea of what I'm up to. I'm not in a tight need for money or in some sort of debt. In fact, I still live with my family (I'm 20, what you'd expect?). That being said, I still have to pay for my own bills and food. Mostly because I'm insistent on refusing to go to college. I have that to thank for not having to pay off student loans for the next 10 to 20 years out of college. It's funny to think about how education was made more affordable than ever (relative to other times in history) but the entire system is designed to capitalize as much as possible off the students. But I digress, I apologize for the lack of updates, follow me on twitter, and yaddi yaddi yadda. See you next time!

Oct 3, 2016

Quick progress update (and crossbows?)

Eh, yep. Going slowly. I've been working on the maps for a bit, but I've got nothing to show yet. I'll post a teaser or something when I've got something pretty to show. I've been spending what little free time I've had on anime and shit. (Technically I've also been watching animes during my part time work, but that's beside the point.) I've written the class descriptions for Priest and Shinobi, so check that out I guess. The picture doesn't reflect this yet, but I've added Operator as an advancement class to Sniper. So now we have Sniper for long range, Enforcer for short range, and Operator for mid range. And now I have no idea what to do with crossbows. Most classes already filled a unique role of some kind, and I don't really want redundancy with the classes (e.g two classes that are basically the same in terms of functionality). So I don't know, I may just remove crossbows entirely. I literally do not see a reason to have it in the game if rifles does the same thing. Lemme know what you guys think.

Sep 22, 2016

Here we go again (AND TWITTER!)

Yep. I broke the blog again. I reverted the back to the old template. Again. I can never seem to find a good template that suits this blog.

For some good news though, I've implemented the twitter feed! So yeah, it's on the right, you can keep track of my shenanigans now. The tweets I'll be making won't be 100% relevant to Captivity, so keep that in mind. Other than that, here's the direct link to my twitter: Follow me and do twitter stuffs and enjoy your stay, I guess?

Also, I'm still working on the class descriptions. There's lots of em. ._.

Sep 20, 2016

Classes, how do they work?!

No, I don't mean school. I'm that one guy who doesn't go to school. I'm referring to the classes of the game. But anyway, I'm done with designing the classes for the game (emphasis on designed, not implemented). I've had a rough idea of how it works in the conceptual stage of the game, but I've now only been able to finally give it a proper look and refine the concept. A lot of research went into these classes. Making sure the names have some sort of context to their skillset and so on. I've also had to make sure none of the classes' names are the same as another game(s) so people can't say I ripped them off (though I'm pretty sure you can't exactly rip off an idea).

Now the way classes work in Captivity and its in-universe MMO is for all intents and purposes, mostly for roleplaying and narrative purposes. You probably noticed some of these classes crosses another archetype. And that's because they are for creating specialized roles and allowing some unique dialogues depending on which class you are. With the branching setup of this monstrosity, the idea is that the 3rd advancement classes, whether or not the skillset is vastly different and/or contradictory, will still have some sort of semblance and relevance to its preceding advancement class.

Since Captivity is more of turn-based tactical combat system and not an actual action RPG, the in-universe explanation is that a class - and weapons, but that's a topic for another day - system like this encourages players to setup their skills in a way that suit their playstyles, creating unique roles for themselves and giving them a degree of customization. For example, say someone chose to be a Sniper, and they want to continue playing as a Sniper late-game without bothering much with Enforcer's skills. They can do that by putting mainly Sniper skills and perhaps some of Enforcer's buffs and passives into their hotbar, they are now a Sniper "main." (Look it up if you don't know what a main means.) But the other guy, he wants to be more of a close-mid ranged Enforcer, he does that by just putting Enforcer skills in his hotbar (and also Sniper buffs and passives), and bam. They're now a Enforcer main. There's also Sniper/Enforcer hybrids. Which is just a person putting both Sniper and Enforcer skills into their hotbar for versatility but sacrificing some skills since you can only put so much skills into a hotbar, you'd have to pick and choose. Of course, none of this matters in Captivity, since Captivity is turn based combat. This just simply allow for some unique personalities and characters to exist for roleplaying and narrative purpose.

This also may or may not be a system I came up with in my MapleStory days as a kid who wants to be a game designer growing up (granted I was 15, but I'm pretty sure 15's still considered a kid). I've only got the chance now to actually refine it to something that's plausible and makes fucking sense. I'm breaking up this post after the picture since it'd be too long to be in the main page. Click read more to read the class descriptions (Will actually start writing after I take a break). One of the notable changes I made while revamping this system is changing the 2nd advancement level from 40 to 30 and merging Marksman into Sniper. Because I can't think of 2 more unique class that could be advanced from a crossbow for Marksman and rifle for Sniper, I just merge the two together and split them in the 3rd advancement. Unless someone can come up with a better idea than me, consider this class tree final.

Sep 18, 2016


I've begun laying the groundwork for the maps. And I'm having a hard time working with the default assets. SO MANY THINGS ARE LACKING! I'll eventually replace them with my own graphics, but for now, the default will hopefully be able to at least slightly portray how I envisioned them to be. Just slightly.

If you read the character submission page before and saw the "more guilds coming soon" thingy and been waiting for me to finish it, then you'll now see that I've finally fully updated it! So go check it out if you wanna submit a character! (And before someone asks, yes, the Foundation is obviously a rip off of the Round Table Alliance from Log Horizon. Because running an oligarchic nation is fun! (I also may or may not have spoiled the Player's involvement or possibly lack thereof in the Foundation based on that information. Shh.))

Also, another WIP of the manga!

This is obviously not done yet. I cleaned it up a bit and duplicated every layer to darken the lines so it's easier to see. But that's it for today! Progress have been slow lately due to the lack of a graphics card and among many other things. And I may or may not write another dev talk tomorrow. We'll see. But yep, see ya!

Sep 12, 2016

Whoop~ Random sketch of a shower scene

I hate drawing on a laptop with a tiny keyboard and non-1080p. It makes me sad. This h-scene will randomly trigger if you take a shower while Kyle/Nosferatu is home. But I'll probably make it so that the first time has a 100% chance to trigger while the future repeat scenes are random. Kyle definitely did not keep his promise about not touching you, did he?

Clean version
Notes version
Bear in mind that this is still an early sketch and not final. I normally sketch something first and fix things that doesn't look right, but in extreme cases I may have to resketch an entire thing. And then I'll start linearting. After that, the painting. Most of the time I also fix stuffs during the lineart and painting phase. I uploaded 2 versions of the sketch. One of them have notes I laid down just to remind me what needed to be fixed. Figured someone might find that interesting. But that's it for today, see ya! (Also, I don't like how this blog template display images. I may have to find another one. Again. >_>) (Yay! I fixed it! Had to scour the internet to find the solution. Basically had to reverse engineer the damn code just to find out a line have been removed which caused the images to fill up the entire post. Now I just have to find what's causing the letter padding or whatever that's filling the sentences to the end of a post. I can't explain this shit. If anyone knows what I'm talking about, help me. D: )

Sep 9, 2016

Happy Birthday, me!

Ohai there. It's my birthday! Technically it was yesterday in my timezone, but for most of you, it's probably today. But damn I feel old. I'm like 20 now. /sarcasm

Anyway, haven't really worked on the game for the past week or so. Basically been busy running around doing part-time jobs and stuff. I mean, I need to eat too. If only Patreon brings in more money I wouldn't have to live such a hectic lifestyle. And yes, I know exactly why no one's paying me on Patreon. There's pretty much no content going for the game right now. I can understand why, but some of the games I see makes me sad at the fact that they're still getting thousands of dollars per month despite lacking so much polish. (I'm gonna get so much shit for saying this.)

I swear to god every time I make a post it turns into a rant. But on that note, I'll be working on the story for the next update. Hopefully including more content and stuff. Estal City is big. It takes a lot of time to plan out the entire thing. There's at least 5 main maps pass the gate. And then there's like a bank/storage, a shrine to get buffs, shops and other typical facilities in an MMO. I mean I'm trying to deliver an accurate representation of an MMO. I don't plan on half-assing this. So yeah, that's it for today I guess. I'll post something again whenever I have something interesting to say.

Aug 30, 2016

Blog redesigned!

So, you probably noticed I redesigned the blog. I don't really like the samey look everyone has. I'm looking at you, literally everyone else. Now that I made a jab at everyone, the blog still functions the same. Only that now it looks different and hopefully better. I haven't encountered a problem with this template so far, but lemme know if you encountered any. I made a backup so I can revert back to the old template in case something goes really wrong, but hopefully it won't come to that.

Update: I've started adding labels to the blog posts. If you hover over to the categories button, you'll be able to sort through the blog and find things that are relevant to your interest. Yay for sorting! Also, if you know me you should know that I dislike default looking things. I'll be tweaking the new blog template for awhile, so you might notice things being different the next day. I'll also have to decipher this whole html thingy though. Hopefully I won't break the blog in doing so.

Update 2: Yep, nope. I can't decipher this shit. I'm not sure if I'm just stupid or this is just written in such a way that it's impossible to figure out what's what. Granted, I have no idea what I'm doing to begin with, but eh.

Aug 29, 2016

Dynamic weather system

Ohai. I've been working on a weather system. It's just a proof of concept right now. There's still lots of values needed to be tweaked and tested and the event itself still need some more optimization before pushing it into the main build. Lots of math involved here, but the way it works is something like this, for every 60 frames or every second, a value will be randomly added or subtracted to what I call a rain threshold. When the rain threshold exceed a certain value (and increasing threshold level), the game will start calculating a rain chance. If the rain chance doesn't proc, the rain threshold will keep increasing or decreasing until it reaches another threshold level. The higher the rain threshold, the heavier the rain will be and the longer it'll continue to rain. If and when the rain chance procs, it'll start raining, and the rain threshold will start decreasing at a random value. If the rain proc'd at threshold level 4 for example, it'll keep decreasing and when it reaches level 3, the rain will grow lighter and lighter. Once it goes down below threshold level 1, there's another chance for it to stop immediately or until the rain threshold reaches 0.

This means that the rain value and rain chance is almost completely RNG based and fully dynamic. Since it calculates every 60 frames, save scumming will either be a hindrance or a benefit to you. And as I said, it's still a proof of concept. I still need to tweak the values so it doesn't either rain too quickly, rain chance proc too consistently or whatever. I also need to work thunderstorms, cloudy weather and fog into this system. So there's still lots of math involved.

Are there any other kinds of weather you'd like to see? Maybe an extremely sunny weather? That'll probably work well during the summer. But yeah, lemme know if there's any other kinds of weather you'd like to see in the comments! (Oh also, I disabled anonymous comments until the character submissions event is over to prevent spam. Check that out if you haven't yet.)

Aug 28, 2016

PreFoundation manga and original character submissions!

You've probably notice that I've finished the cover art of the manga. I've made a new tab on the blog, so yeah, check that out. There's a big Coming Soon on that page.

I've ALSO made another new tab for CHARACTER SUBMISSIONS! This is your chance for you to create an original character for Captivity! They'll be put into the game and they'll mostly troll around Estal City and have dialogues and stuff. They also may or may not be a part of side quests or whatever, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. Right now these slots are limited to certain guilds, but in the future, I'll have events like these again for antagonistic slots. (The Patreon perk at 30$ for an OC is the same thing as this one. Except said Patreon perk isn't implemented right now and the OCs aren't limited to being Adventurers)

If you want to create an OC and be put into the game and the manga, go to the Character Submission tab nao!

Aug 25, 2016

Oops [Pre v0.1.0 build 4.4]

Fucked up royally. I re-added the missing h-scene from 4.3. I really should test my shit first before uploading and releasing them to the public.

Onwards to pre-build 5! [Pre v0.1.0 build 4.3]

Alright, I'm finally done updating the damn dialogues. I swear I will no longer touch any of the older dialogues ever again unless I made a huge fucking typo or something. You'll probably notice I've also start uploading mirrors. So if Mega isn't working for you, try the other two. For pre-build 5, I'll be advancing the story, hopefully for quite a bit.

Full changelog for build 4.3:
- Added a second dialogue for Kyle after the first scene for consistency

- Updated RPG Maker MV engine to 1.3.1
- House scene dialogue fully updated
- Main menu tweaks:
 * Optimized main menu (should no longer stutter randomly after the disclaimer)
 * Pressing X/cancel now also advances the disclaimer
 * Quit Game button is now less sudden and fadeout slightly before closing the game
- Text bubbles animation tweaks
- "Guard" during combat is renamed to "Defend"

Bug fixes:
- Fixed h-scene 1 dialogue using the wrong text bubble
- No longer able to press T to wait or ~ to enter the debug room in the main menu

Debug room changes:
- Re-added the missing sex stat crystal

Implemented scripts:
*Updated some scripts*

Aug 20, 2016

Cover art almost done?!

Welp. I'm still drawing the cover art for the manga. It's pretty much done, all that's left is the lineart and painting. I should REALLY be working on the game instead, but just going through the old dialogues is driving me nuts. WHY IS THERE SO MUCH DIALOGUE?!

Anyway, a little note on how I'm gonna run the manga alongside the game: It'll be worked on concurrently alongside the game, and every page that's done will be uploaded to imgur or whatever and will be free for everyone to read. BUT, I'll also upload the original resolution (2480 x 3508) versions for patrons on my Patreon, while the free/public version will be at around 40% of the original resolution to maintain readability. Trust me, it's not a big deal for the public version. As far as I can tell, there's no artifacts or whatever from downsizing. It's just a bonus for the patrons. So if you wanna print it or whatever, drop me a dollar and grab the original versions.

EDIT: Added the WIP art. Also, yes, this is how I do my linearts. I sketch something first, then do the lineart over it.

Aug 15, 2016

Captivity manga?!

Cover Art (WIP)
Ohai there again. Been somewhat unproductive for the past few days. For some good news though, I got my hands on a pretty decent laptop that can handle Photoshop. So, I've started drawing again! Yay! Though the low resolution kinda hurts my eyes (figuratively). I don't feel very comfortable drawing on this thing, but I still feel like getting some practice in.

With that in mind,  I'm drawing a short one off manga of Captivity! The story will mainly focus on two major characters that plays a huge role in Estal's politics, who you'll see a lot in the game. Player will also make a couple cameo appearance, but since she's not the focus in this manga, don't expect to see her much. I'll release more details once I've got something more substantial to show. For now, here's an incomplete storyboard/sketch of page 1.

Pg 1 (WIP)
I don't like drawing detailed panels with lots of characters. I mean, my god, do you see that mess in the first panel? It's gonna be a bitch to actually draw all the details in. Also, ignore the fact that two panels is currently missing and the guy's not clothed. I haven't gotten to those parts yet.

Aug 9, 2016

Progress update!

An unintended pun
Still in the middle of updating the dialogues. Just felt like I needed to share this. Maybe I should get a twitter thing running so I can share unrelated and funny stuffs like these. What'd you guys think?

Aug 7, 2016

Dev talk~ Intro

Yes, this is a dev blog. You should've expected articles/posts about game development from me by now. I'll be talking/ranting about intros in games in this post. More specifically, the design choices behind the intro of Captivity.

But a few things to talk about first. I'm still updating the dialogue of the house scene. (Bolded and underlined for the impatient.) It's a very meticulous and repetitive process. So it's still taking awhile for me to fully update it. Two, I'm looking for help! Specifically a programmer proficient in JavaScript with the know-how of coding UI elements. While I can't compensate anyone yet, I'd love to have a talk about commissioning your help with coding UI elements with Captivity. Either drop me an email at or send me a pm on LoK if you're interested. Finally, I'll be resuming monthly charging on Patreon at the beginning of September. I thought about it for a bit, and I thought, the whole point of running a Patreon campaign is for people to support me financially if they like what I'm doing. I've also been feeling more productive for the past month or so. It's alright if you're an existing patron and want to remove your pledge. So just a heads up, if you wish to continue your support, please do so, if you don't, please remove your pledge.

Now, let's talk intros! Intros are what introduces us to the universe of whatever we're playing, reading or watching. It's an integral part of narrative. And for a video game, an intro can also serve as a tutorial of the game mechanics. There are multiple ways of doing intros. Naturally, some are better than others in context. A common way of creating an intro is in medias res, or "into the middle of things." As the name implies, the narrative starts off in the middle of something, and everything (the motive, exposition, past events) the audience needs to know is commonly conveyed through dialogue and/or flashbacks. A good example is Final Fantasy 7. After the FMV opening, the game puts the player in the middle of an assault by an unknown group with no exposition whatsoever to keep the player wondering, then they're shortly prompted to a tutorial-esque fight. This gives the player a taste of the game's combat system and keeps them interested. When the player proceed to the next area, they'll finally be treated to some tasty exposition and the names of the characters. On a side note, if I had to nitpick something, it's the forth wall breaking tutorial message. It breaks immersion. Barret shouldn't have to tell me to press X. Let a popup window do that.

While Captivity's intro isn't that much different, aside from the lack of combat at the beginning (I'll tell you why in a bit), I came across a couple challenges and had to make a few compromise in order to make the intro "work." First, the lack of a tutorial combat during the intro. While I'd love to put the player directly into a combat scenario at the start, I can't do that as I don't know the Player's class. Each class have a different weapon, and I can't just make the Player have a default "preferred" weapon. And so to compromise, I had to make the player start out without a class and without a tutorial combat.

The other problem is the lengthy intro. There's only so many way to do in medias res and include a h-scene in the intro. One of the reasons I didn't want to start the game chronologically is because that'll only increase the length further. And I don't want to give the player the option to "create" a character only to be genderbended into a busty white haired woman later in the intro. Imagine creating your character in Skyrim and Alduin didn't appear and you got your head chopped off and died just to play as the default canon character or the game have you create a new character? That'd be pretty funny and trollish. The other reason is that it'll break the immersion and narrative slightly. The main menu of the game? You click New Game and bam, you're in the game. You're in Captivity. That's the narrative and gimmick of the game. The only "real life" segment is the flashback scene in abandon house. And I doubt there's going to be any more flashbacks aside from that one scene.

I've pretty much only talked about the challenges I've faced creating the intro, so let's change it up and talk about the good parts! Like I mentioned, an intro also serves as a tutorial to the game mechanics. After the lengthy dialogue at the start, you get to roam around, you get to save and you also get to talk to Kyle and Kerry. Talking to Kerry for the second time gives you a slightly different dialogue. This tells you that dialogue changes the second time. Nothing new here, a lot of games does this. I also included 2 h-scenes in the intro, each with two choices for the player. This lets the player know two things. First, if it isn't made clear enough, there's going to be porn in the game. Second, the notification after selecting one of the choices tells the player there's an inhibition meter in the game. And naturally, choosing the "perverted" or "uninhibited" actions lowers your inhibition. Which when low enough, you can do more and more depraved scenes later in the game. And you might also notice there's no penetration scenes in either of them. Like normal porn, it doesn't start with the humping, it starts with foreplay. And that's what it is. It's to keep you invested in the game and makes you want to play more to get to the good part.

And here ends my talk about intros! It actually turned into more of a rant at the end instead. I just wrote whatever was on my mind. I put no thought into creating a cohesive article. I'm too lazy for that. But bye! I'll see you in pre-build 4.3!

Aug 1, 2016

The joke got old now [Pre v0.1.0 build 4.2]

Some things were tweaked and added, much bugs were fixed. I believe I fixed most major bugs I could find. I didn't exactly document every changes I made this time. Also something to note is that I found out fast forwarding causes some of the events to not run properly. While mechanically this doesn't break anything (all switches and stuffs still runs properly), it'll sometimes make an NPC or two invisible. So just something to note, don't fast forward if you want to watch the cutscenes play out visually as they're supposed to.

Bugs galore!

If you're not reading the thread on LoK, I've basically been fixing bugs for a bit and doing some tweaks here and there. After a thorough playtest, I realized it has more bugs than I initially thought. This is what happens when you release anything without testing. But I did say I wanted to upload it as soon as possible before my PC explodes.

In any case, still fixing bugs and doing tweaks. If there's something that doesn't make sense in pre-build 4.1, it's because it's bugged. The first choice (excluding the skip choice) is the one that gives you 2 dialogue choice which determines your sex. In 4.1 HOWEVER, it shows up as a Yes and No choice. Which made no sense obviously. So, yeah, sorry for all the confusion I caused in one of my previous replies. If you absolutely need to know what the unbugged choice was, download pre-build 3. Otherwise, wait for 4.2.

Jul 29, 2016

A (still a little broken) Whole New World~ [Pre v0.1.0 build 4.1]

Not much else to say except that I fixed the damn game. This is what happens when you try something new and expect it to work without problems. Oh, and the fact that I didn't playtest before uploading, I guess. Also, note that I didn't update the version number in game. It shows up as "build 4" instead of  "build 4.1." Rest assured that you're playing build 4.1. Build 4 doesn't even start.

Updated links in the download tab.

Update: So, the reason the cutscene is missing in the abandoned house is because I fucked up. I'll upload a fix in a little bit.

A (almost) Whole New World~ [Pre v0.1.0 build 4]

Please don't sue me, Disney.

Apparently when I said "tomorrow," I meant a week later. I blame my computer. But anyway, here's pre build 4. And like I said in my previous post, this is more beta-y than the previous versions and the main changes are really just quality of life changes. (Full changelog below) But moving forward, I'll focus on new content and story. Download is in the download tab as always.

(This version doesn't start, download the 4.1 version.)

- Press T to wait
- New logo
- Ultra sleek sexy looking main menu
- New main menu soundtrack that is more MMO-sounding
- New message boxes graphic
- VN styled choice boxes
- Gallery button in the main menu that doesn't work yet
- Version number now properly reflects build version (e.g Pre v0.1.0 build 4 instead of simply Pre v0.1.0)
- Fullscreen toggle in options
- New font
- Message letter sound effects

- Updated RPG Maker MV engine to 1.2.0
- Optimized default RTP image resources that comes with engine update 1.1.0
- Intro dialogue changes
- Player's class starts out blank until a class is chosen
- Changed starting location for skipping
- Lust gain is now 1 by every 10 minutes instead of 6 by every hour
- Tweaked description of Wooden Helmet, Rusty Sword and Straw Shirt
- Estal City South Gate map tweaks
- "To Title" is now renamed "Main Menu"
- All normal weapon attacks (Heavy slash, Double Shot, etc) is now renamed "Attack"
- Removed the ability to switch weapon in combat
- Removed the equipment type "Overall" and and all equipment type with the suffix "All"
- Sound effect changes
- Updated credits
- Internal changes, general clean up and destroyed some dirty edits

- Fixed final character customization incorrectly reading gender
- Fixed the transfer event after final character customization requiring action button instead of player touch
- Added a simple loading screen to prevent 'drawImage' error from happening from transitioning screens

Debug room changes:
- Press tilde ~ key to access the debug room
- Reworked debug room access (No longer require a password to enter. In its place, a txt config file is in the game's folder and you'll have to set it to either true or false.)
- Debug key (the item) removed
- Removed CG viewer
- Restructured Weapons & Armor debug crystal
- Added slime enemies in battle tester
- Enemies no longer drop dominions
- Changing classes will no longer reset your level (thanks to engine update 1.1.0!)
- Debug Bat will now send you to a fixed location to prevent you from getting stuck if that's why you entered the debug room in the first place

Implemented scripts:
*Updated some scripts*
*Removed some outdated scripts*
-Button Common Events by Yanfly
- FPS Synch Option by Yanfly
- Equip Requirements by Yanfly
- Call Event by Yanfly
- Extended Message Pack 1 by Yanfly
- RemoveTitleScreen by SumRndmDde
- Fullscreen Toggle Options by SumRndmDde

Jul 21, 2016

Update imminent!

Ohai guys. I'll be ACTUALLY releasing pre-build 4 soon. Figured I'd do it before someone thinks I'm dead or abandoned the project in lieu of the recent events regarding Breeding Season (which I'll talk a little below). Just note that it's more "beta-y" than all other updates previously. For one, only the dialogue in the first intro segment is updated, while the one in the abandoned house was only slightly updated. I did a lot of changes in the text bubbles in pre-build 4 and so it involved a lot of repetitive changes in existing texts which I haven't got to doing yet.

The other story is that the graphics card my friend gave me also broke down. I had to bring both cards (HD 6870) to a store to see what was wrong with them. The card I previously had was basically melted, while the one my friend gave me was faulty and they couldn't find out what was wrong with it. And thus now I'm left without a graphics card. (And for the record, my monitor is actually connected to my motherboard since I have no graphics card right now.) So I basically spent the week in a internet cafe playing MMOs and couldn't work on the game because it was a SFW environment. Not that it stopped people from watching porn in broad daylight, but that's besides the point. For pre-build 5, I'm gonna work on more content (especially the story) since I couldn't do any graphical work now. And just for another record, I only collected 3 dollars from Patreon so far, so it's not like I'm in a financial situation where I could readily afford a replacement card.

And so here we are with the whole Breeding Season thing. I don't know where I'm going with this or the point I was trying to make so I actually deleted an entire passage and revised it a couple of times due to the amount of fluff I write. It lends well to Capitivity, but not so well with news posts. So I'm gonna to give it to you guys straight. With what happened with the recent events, I feel like I need to reassure you that I AM NOT going to abandon this project. While I haven't exactly been hiding the fact that I also have another non-h project in (kinda) the works, it's basically on-hold indefinitely due to ambition of the project. I do occasionally go back to it and flesh it out some more and keep my creativity and passion for video games fresh (which has been going on for a couple of years now, that's how long I've been working on that particular project). As for Captivity, it started out as a simple idea before it started snowballing until one day I decided, "hey, I'm gonna start doing this!" I actually had to scale back the scope a number of times for the game due to the limits of the engine and the amount of work that's gonna go into it (eg. animated busts, customizable protagonist that includes both male and female, a more action based combat system, etc). Even then, I'm still actively managing the scope of the game to prevent it from spiraling out of control and becoming unachievable. The game is still rather ambitious, mind you, but definitely not impossible.

I tried keeping the fluff to a minimum, but that didn't work out too well. But that's basically it for today. See you guys tomorrow for pre-build 4!

Jul 11, 2016

Update delayed D:

Uh yeah, so my graphics card just kinda died. While I've been browsing LoK and managed to make a couple posts with my phone, I couldn't do that with this blog, and I struggled to get my damn PC to turn on. So sorry for the lack of news/updates for the past couple days.  I managed to borrow one of my friend's older card (which surprisingly is the same card as the one I had which just died). I said "borrow," but he really just kinda gave it to me. Though I have no idea how long this is going to last. Since his card (which is currently installed on my PC) is a year older than the one I had. So we'll see how it goes.

But back to work I guess. Just wanna post this to let you guys know what's been going on.

Jun 30, 2016

Update soon?!

The update is coming along nicely. I should be able to get it out within a week or two. I'm also gonna map out a couple more maps for you guys to explore, since pre-build 4 isn't going to advance the story by a lot. I seriously want to get to v0.1 soon. I WANT TO WRITE MORE STORY CONTENT!

Behind the scenes...
Speaking of which, I'm rewriting some of the dialogues in the game for a more consistent approach to things. Remember how Tatsumi can't give a proper reason when he propose to not use your real names? Now he DOES give a proper and not at all bullshit reason! Also, this is a behind the scenes kinda thing, if you name your character's real life name Jake, you'll get a unique response! Otherwise, you'll just get a generic response. And no, I'm NOT telling you to name your character Jake. Name your character whatever you want. This is just one of the little details I'm giving the game. I love little details like these in games.

UPDATE: I usually don't update posts like this, but I feel like this little news update doesn't justify a new post.  But I've been going through some of my writing and I'll say it's cringey as fuck. On my thread on LoK, I mentioned how I'm not satisfied with the dialogue and I think this is part of the reason. It's so fucking cringe worthy. What was I thinking when I wrote it? I feel physical pain in my chest as I read the damn thing. That's how cringey it is. So yes, I'm rewriting parts of it and generally making it less cringey. So that's something to look forward to.

Jun 26, 2016

Pushing my buttons

Hi guys, quick news update. I wanna get the update out soon, so no sketches like I promised 2 posts ago. I'm still in the middle of implementing the buttons.

Yep. That's it. That's the news for today. The rest of this post is just me talking about some technical stuff and rant about RPG Maker. So read on if you're interested.

One of the improvements I've made to it since the last video I posts is that I animated it. I'm not gonna make a video about it because it's not a change significant enough to warrant me making one. The reason you'll want to animate UI elements is to provide more of a visual feedback to the player to let them know "oh hey, you pressed this". These tiny effects aren't really noticeable for the most part. But if you REALLY pay attention to any digital buttons you see (in apps, browsers, games or whatever), you'll notice the buttons will linger for a couple of frames, change colors or plays a special effect when pressed. If any of this info doesn't concern you, don't worry. It's mostly targeted for those interested in game design/development. I'm sure there's a couple of you in here.

So anyway, the buttons I'm implementing still has a lot of troubleshooting to be done. One of the problem I'm running into is the text bubble not appearing while the buttons is fading away. Since every text bubbles is activated by a common event to play the animation (yep, even the text bubbles are animated), both events are conflicting with each other and thus either the text bubble disappear entirely or the buttons fail to fade out properly. Which I blame RPG Maker. It has problems with running show picture commands from multiple events simultaneously. So I'm trying to find a workaround, which irritates me quite a bit. WHY DO YOU HAVE SO MANY PROBLEMS, RPG MAKER?! I'm pretty sure I'm not to blame for trying to do some advanced stuff with your engine. Your motto is "Simple enough for a child; Powerful enough for a developer." SO WHY?!

But yeah, that's really it for today. I'll update this post when I fixed it or something. And then I can move on to completing CGs 2.

UPDATE: Okay, I'm pretty sure I fixed the damn thing now. Turns out it's just a dirty edit related to a post image cleanup common event I've set up. As for the buttons failing to fade out, surprise! It's another dirty edit that's causing it. I fixed that too so everything is working as intended now. I strucked out the rant I've made because that's clearly my fault and not RPG Maker's. That's right, I'm not afraid to admit my own mistakes. Be right back while I cry in a corner out of embarrassment.

Jun 20, 2016

Player design finalized

So hi. Kinda been missing for the past few days running errands and hung out with a friend or two. Generally because I'm not making much money from Captivity right now. Speaking of which, thanks to the recent guy that pledged 10 dollars! It's probably nothing worth mentioning for you guys, but it's rather exciting to me. Nothing beats the warm fuzzy feeling in your heart when someone likes your work and willing to support you financially. I'm not gonna name names, but you know who you are. Thanks a lot, man!

But back on topic, in today's news, I've finalized Player's design. Well, almost. The details on the boots and glove is still missing. But yeah, I've scrapped 3 designs prior to this one, so it's nice to finally got her look down. And that half skirt thingy? I thought about making a skirt version of this outfit as an alternate clothing you can change into provided your character is female "irl" or have low enough inhibition, but considered the CGs and everything, too much work. I'm not gonna draw alternate skirt CGs. So I decided to just give her a half skirt. Her design is always intended to be kinda gender neutral, but you know. She has tits. I can't make her anymore gender neutral than that with those. inb4 radical feminazi tumblr sjws come down on me. Once I've linearted and painted this, I'll put this somewhere on my Patreon page as a sort of promotional material. Maybe besides the Summary. I feel like my Patreon page is really empty compared to some of the other guys' pages.

Before you ask, she IS gonna have more outfit than this. But they'll mainly be exclusive to certain events and CGs. For example, working as a waitress in a sleazy bar located in the underground red light district will have Player wear a bunny outfit and get harassed by horny old men. For those who still hasn't caught on, almost every post I reveal a tease or two for the game. So yeah, check the posts if you wanna see what I've teased so far.

Yes, I know this post is getting way too long, but stay with me. The ETA on pre-build 4? Soon. The only thing left is to implement all the buttons and finish up CGs 2. I won't give an exact date yet, because I always bite off more work than I can chew. But I promise I'll stop fucking around and hurry up with the update. And the final thing for today, for those who keep up with my blog posts, a guy named Lithras contacted me and offered to draw CGs for Captivity. We exchanged a couple of emails, but nothing came out of it. So for those who knew about it, there's the update for that.

And I guess that's it for today, see ya!

Jun 14, 2016

New logo!

Yes, I know I promised to share porns for a couple of posts. But when it comes to either working on the game to get the update out as quick as possible and drawing sketches, the choice should be pretty obvious. Okay, I know what I said, those sketches are eventually gonna be turned into actual CGs anyway, but you know what I mean. I'm having a hard time coming up with interesting perspective for the CGs. So yeah, I'm waiting for that inspiration to hit.

(Wow, OBS Google/Youtube suck. I'm recording at 720p and the quality is still shit.)

So in this video, I'm featuring the newly done logo! Which is 35% less shitty. So that's good. I was never that good at making logos to begin with. That pause after hitting New Game isn't a bug. It's intentional. I want it to give a dramatic opening that literally screams "oh damn! Shit's going down!" Well, whether or not it has the effect I intended is debatable though. You also may or may not noticed I replaced the sound effects.

And using the techniques I did with the custom main menu, the buttons are now also custom! That means I can replace the previously Galv's plugin provided VN buttons with my own custom ones. My method of displaying buttons provides more control, so that's nice. Had to do some clever eventing to make sure the text display properly though.

I also mentioned that I was going to replace the on-screen keyboard for an actual keyboard input for names, but I had to scrap it in the end due to complications with the plugin. For technical details, the plugin basically doesn't draw the png file properly. It didn't process the transparency so it ended up being a black screen that obstructs everything behind it.

If I only know how to program, all these would be so much easier. But who am I kidding? Me? Learning how to program? Nope. I'm too lazy to do that. Anyhow, that's it for today. See ya!

Jun 8, 2016

Moar sketches

Another sketch today. I feel like I've haven't shown any porn thingies lately so I'll be sharing porns for a few posts. Welp, this is the sketch of the blowjob scene. This particular variant with the hand on her head is the rough variant near the end of the scene. So the CGs prior to this one is gonna be rather...gentle, I guess? Once again, didn't use any guidelines. Let me know if there's anything wrong you see with this.

I've touched on this a little before in one of my comment replies, but early game is gonna be tough. You'll need money. And one of the ways to earn money? Give people blowjobs! (Is that social commentary right there?) Though you'll need to lower your inhibition first in order to blow people for money. So if you can't give people blowjobs because your inhibition isn't low enough, you'll instead have to give people handjobs first! (Expect a sketch of the handjob CG sometime soon)

I've thought about titling this post something punny like I suck or something, but I didn't do it. xD

Jun 7, 2016

Clothing redesign for Player

Hi there. I sketched this and painted it willy nilly. I don't know why I gave up trying to get the anatomy right. Probably because I didn't use guidelines. I really need to start using guidelines. Or that I'm fucking hungry as shit. I could use some food. Or maybe because I spent all my effort and energy on getting the hands right. Damn, I draw some great hands. I have a feeling the handjob CGs are going to look great.

Anyway, enough rambling. I redesigned her clothing. Instead of that weird small ass vest thingy, it's now a weird long hip length vest thingy. Her undershirt's sleeves got removed, and I gave her some gloves. I was thinking her gloves would be black, but since I didn't paint it, now I think white looks pretty good. I don't know, let me know what you guys think about her new design. And that gem right there? Like everything else I've teased so far, it's once again going to play a substantial part in the game. Take a guess what it is.

Also, does anyone actually noticed I've been calling her Player with a capital P like a name this entire time? I never gave her or him a canon name since I don't want her to be like one of those protagonist that you can rename but they would still have a canon name (e.g Link from the Zelda games). Nope. She doesn't have a canon name. I just call her Player, and even the game files simply refer to her as Player.

Jun 4, 2016

Quick update

Hi guys, a quick little update tonight. Basically been spending the last day or two finishing up the new main menu and implementing it into the main build. It's an extreme pain in the ass to do this, but I think it's worth it. :P

Once again, the reason I'm spending so much effort on the GUI is because I don't want Captivity to suffer from what I call "another generic looking RPG Maker game syndrome." So yeah, pre-build 4 will mostly be a GUI revamp. I've also put in a Gallery button in the main menu, so if you ever wondered if Captivity is gonna have a CG viewer, you've got your answer there. Once you hit the Gallery button, 2 new button pops up. "Scenes," and "CGs." Pretty self-explanatory. Scenes just runs the h-scenes again with the CGs rolling behind as normal while CGs just lets you view the CGs without the talking and the message boxes. They don't exactly work right now, but it's there for me to fill up in the future. The attached video also has things I'm not mentioning in this post because I'm tired and I wants to sleep. And yes, I know the video quality sucks. I literally just downloaded OBS to record this. Didn't spend much time with the settings so you'll have to bear with me with the bad quality video. (Okay, I've rewatched the video, so now I'm blaming Google/Youtube for the horrid quality.

And that's it for tonight's news! See ya guys once I got more done!

May 31, 2016

Menus? Like the ones you find in restaurants?

...I'm not even trying with the titles anymore...

Spent a couple hours on this damn thing. It's annoying as hell to event but it's finally almost done. Still have some QA left to do to see what I've missed before implementing this into the main build. This is possibly the most complicated thing to date I had to event. Granted, I don't do a lot of complicated eventing, but... Okay, I lied. The lust system that increases with time is actually fairly complicated. So is the weather system which I still have no clue where to start eventing. Anyhow, here's a gif. I'm breaking this post up because the gif is like 11 mbs. So yeah, click read more or something.

May 30, 2016

muh immersion

Ohai there. A little progress update for you guys today. I know you guys are dying for more progress updates and especially actual updates! Welp, I can tell you it's coming along nicely. If you're a Patron you can tell I've done a little more since the previous post. The changelog IS live, after all. Anyhow, I can't give you guys an ETA yet. I know I've said I wanted to just get the update out as soon as possible, but I REALLY don't want to rush anything when it comes to art. Remember the last time I rushed a sketch? Yeah, didn't look good, did it? By the way, here's the newer sketch for comparison. So yeah, I've mainly been taking my time with the CG.

Also, I've been toying around in a separate testing RPG Maker project file to test and set up a custom main menu/title screen. REALLY, REALLY advanced stuff. Lots of eventing and script calls involved. I could've downloaded some 3rd party plugins for this, but meh. I feel like those are too limiting in terms of customization. Honestly though, you'd be really surprised with what RPG Maker can do even without using plugins or scripts. In any case, I could probably set up something pretty to look at with animated grasses and shit. I'm talking about this CG, by the way. So the main menu will look more MMO-esque for maximum immersion! :D
much eventing
such scripting

May 27, 2016

Back to work!

Hi guys. I've now got the whole ordeal out of the way, so I'll be getting back to work rather soon. I feel like I have spent WAY too much time tweaking stuffs and planning and generally not getting much actual game assets done. So for pre-built 4, I'm not going to put in the busts just yet. Mostly because I'm still missing Kyle, Kerry and a couple guard's busts. So I'm just not gonna put it any for now. In that case, the only thing I still need to finish up is the Scene 2 CGs, and I can push the update out.

Speaking of which, as per one of the comments I've received in the last post (and I've actually received a couple of similar comments in the past), I've decided to halt Patreon charging for now. I feel like I haven't actually done much to warrant charging money from you guys despite the fact that I've made it very clear from the start if you want to support me without receiving anything in return at this state, you can do so. That being said, I've decided to stop charging for now. I'm not Anita Sarkeesian. I have a heart.

I've also decided to implemented a Patreon perk now! It's what I call live changelog. It's literally what it sounds like, a live changelog. I update it whenever I get something done so you can stay on top of my progress. But since I'm not actually charging right now, you can simply just pledge and gain access to it, and then remove your pledge when I've decided to actually start charging, you monster. ;_;

May 24, 2016

No progress for a couple days

TL;DR, funeral, no time to work, update delayed.

Hey there, guys. So, a little bad news for both me and you. I'll start with the bad news for me. My grandfather recently passed away, so I'll be spending a couple days off work with the funeral ceremony and stuffs. And don't worry, I'm fine. I'm not depressed, or sad, or anything. Call me a monster if you want, but I actually feel rather indifferent about it. My grandfather spent his twilight years, um, suffering, for the lack of a better word. He started showing symptoms of dementia (yes, I know dementia is technically a broad term of a bunch of brain disease together, but you get the point) around 70 years old and now he's passed away at the age of 82. We brought him back from the nursing home roughly a week ago and during his stay, he's pretty much unable to recognize anyone, sleep all day and only able to consume food in liquid form. So yeah, on one hand, I'm kinda glad he no longer have to suffer any longer. So, rest in peace, grandpa.

So yeah, bad news for you guys, the update will be delayed as I help out my family with the funeral and stuff. And I'm not trying to guilt trip you guys for asking me for an update constantly. Trust me, I want to release an update as soon as I can too. But I'm just making this post to assure you guys that everything is alright and development is still on-going (or at least will resume once I've sorted these things out). But I'll say one last thing before I sign off.

Treasure every moment you have with your family and friends, you'll never know when someone is going to just one day leave the world of the living. So pay your family a visit or give them a call if you haven't for awhile, and tell them you love them.

And that's it for today! I'll see you guys in a couple of days.

May 18, 2016

Future UI changes

Yeah, I can't think of any punny titles now. Here's a fun fact! The first post I made on this blog is titled "Hello, World!" It's basically the first program most programmers write and it's like saying, "hey! I did it! I made something work!" The fact that I titled my first post "Hello, World!," if not smart, is at least poetic. Most posts since then I've tried coming up with something smart or punny too, but that didn't last long, did it?

Hmm? Why am I telling you all these? Well, it may or may not have something to do with how people in the game will have silly little quips and conversations like these. One thing I really like when it comes to RPGs and mostly JRPGs is that they're full of silly conversations like these. And with games like Harvest Moon and Rune Factory, they have something new to say every single time. If you're not into this, then I dunno. You can ignore these conversations you can have with others and their character, world and/or story exposition and get off to the porn instead. I'm such an asshole.

But, let's talk about something that has to do with the title itself. Here's a mock up of the UI. I'm not gonna implement this anytime soon until I have something concrete though. And as you can see, it's currently anything but that. As always, let me know what you think!
The HUD is for the most part done. The Menu Screen isn't.
Oh, also, I've decided to change the as-of-yet-unimplement-patreon-perk of the 20$ tier's ambiguous "special polls" to "scene polls" where I give you a list of h-scenes for you to choose for me to prioritize on making. Yay for no more ambiguity!

May 8, 2016

Update this month (probably™)

Hey guys, I haven't done much these days. Being sick is not fun. Especially having a runny nose and shit. Ugh. Anyway, I wanted to let you guys know I'll probably have an update out within this month hopefully. I've been putting this off for WAY too long now. And with the launch of Patreon, I think I should seriously start developing Captivity seriously (the redundancy is intended). So yeah, hopefully an update within the month.

And just so everyone knows, while the game assets are coming slow, I did a LOT of planning work behind the scenes. So it's not like I haven't done anything at all. You should really be expecting this type of shenanigan while a game is in its pre-stable/alpha/early access or whatever state. But let me reiterate once again, an update hopefully within the month.

May 3, 2016


Sorry for the lack of updates for the past week or so, I've been sick. Granted, I haven't been sick for the ENTIRE week, I got sick a few days ago, but yeah, got nothing substantial done. Will make a new post whenever I got something to show.

Also, thanks for Patrons for the support during April! I've got 3 dollars. Yay?

Apr 28, 2016

A better looking sketch (and a little Patreon talk)

Remember that slime scene concept sketch? Yeah. I was embarrassed about how bad it was when I posted it so I re-sketched it. I could've spent more time on it but instead I rushed it because I wanted to attach something to look at along with the post. This time, I have like 2 crosses as guidelines. I remember using a lot of guidelines before, but at some point I stopped using it for some reason. I didn't draw any backdrop this time, so you can use your imagination on that. It's supposed to be in a forest of some sort. But I guess you're gonna use your imagination on something else instead, huh? In any case, here you go, a better looking sketch.

And yes, the slime is gonna be green. It's what I envisioned of the slime monster when it was first written in the game during the flashback scene and I have no intention to change it. But who knows? Maybe there'll be stronger slimes with different colors.

So let's talk a little bit about Patreon! It's not going to be anything too important. But I have been thinking about Patreon rewards. Not that they'll be implemented anytime soon. I don't intend to go back on my word with this decision. Rewards will only be implemented after v0.1 is released. But yeah, Patreon rewards. I made a rough list of the ideas I want to implement, so here you go. Let me know what you think about these.

$1 - Egg insert reward tier name here, if you have an idea for the tier names, let me know!
Access to Patron feed
1 week early access

$5 - Hatchling
Access to Patron feed
1 week early access
Full CG pack in their original resolution

$10 - Wyrm
Access to Patron feed
1 week early access
Full CG pack in their original resolution
Full busts pack in their original resolution

$20 - Dragon
Access to Patron feed
1 week early access
Full CG pack in their original resolution
Full busts pack in their original resolution
Scene polls

$30 - God (This tier will be limited)
Access to Patron feed
1 week early access
Full CG pack in their original resolution
Full busts pack in their original resolution
Scene polls
Your custom OC (Original Character) will be put in the game as an NPC (most likely not sexable).

Apr 25, 2016

Defeated by monsters h-scenes

Yes, I know. There's probably a shorter term than "defeated by monsters h-scenes." I have no idea why I feel the need to be specific with the term. Mayhaps there be planned consensual monsters h-scenes? Hoho, what is this? More foreshadowing? In any case, I'll talk a little bit about how defeated by monsters H-scenes will work today since you guys are tired of me talking about gameplay mechanics and actual legit game design. Which is pretty odd. Considering this is a game. Captivity isn't just about the porn. The thing that always bugged me with this hentai games business is that if you're not going to put gameplay in it, why make it a game at all?

Alright, enough ranting. So how will defeated by monsters h-scenes work? First of all, I'm still working out the technical stuffs in this design, so it may or may not still be the same when actual combat and monsters h-scenes are implemented, so keep that in mind. Now, I also haven't worked out how party combat will come in play to these h-scenes, so I'll just be talking about single person combat and its h-scenes this time.

So, to activate these scenes, you either have to have a high lust, or have the RNG decide whether or not the monsters is horny enough to rape you. In either case, when your HP is at or below 10%, the monsters will use a skill to subdue/rape you. And in both cases (when your lust is high or monsters is horny), the monsters will try not to kill you, they'll only take you down to 1 HP. Not all monsters will be able to rape, and there are probably gonna be other ways to access the h-scenes without combat.

Early slime scene concept sketch
Here's a concept sketch I suppose. The first monster you'll encounter will most probably be a slime, so yeah. Slime sex. Do note that this is an "concept sketch." So I'll very likely re-sketch and re-illustrate this scene. Also, I'm that one guy who doesn't use guidelines. If I were smarter I'd use them so I can get the angle right. But who am I kidding? I'm an asshole.

Apr 24, 2016

UI vote

I've been tweaking the UI for awhile now, but I'm not sure which one is better. Type 1 is ultra minimalistic, while Type 2 is pretty much the same one as before but with a purple motif. So here you go, you can vote for one of these right now on the LoK forums thread. If you don't have an account, go make one.

Type 1
Type 2

Apr 20, 2016

Another bust?! I'm on a roll!

Looks like I've been doing quite a "lot" in these few days. At this rate the new update I promised will be out in possibly 2 weeks. And you know what's gonna motivate me more? GIVE ME MONEY! *ahem* Anyway, this is the Male Player's bust. I'm not going to spend too much time on him since he's only going to appear for like roughly 10 minutes in the game depending on your reading speed. He has this fur thingy on his vest. I don't know why. It's supposed to be a beginner's outfit. None of my clothing design makes any fucking sense. But I guess it fits the weird modern fantasy aesthetic design of the game.

Also, this is actually a sketch. I've been using the wrong brush settings but I said fuck it and continued using it anyway.

Apr 19, 2016

New title screen CG!

Since I've launched my Patreon 2 days ago, I figured I'd post something to show you guys what I've been doing.

What you're seeing here is a WIP of the new title screen CG I mentioned in the post I made on Easter. Which is like, what? Last month? But yeah, still in the middle of it. The shady black and green lines is the sketch layer. Everything else is painted on their own separate layer. So yes, leave your thoughts and/or feedback if you have any. 
Psst. These pillar looking things may or may not play a rather large role in the game.

Apr 16, 2016

Yep. I've now got Patreon.

Patreon is now live! Go check it out and throw some money at me if you like.

Apr 12, 2016

Patreon implementation soon™

Hey guys, to be honest, I haven't had much drive to work on the game lately. So I may get my Patreon running soon. So keep your heads up for that in case you want to literally throw your money at me. That said, I won't be having perks or tiers for Patreon pledgers as of yet (perks/tiers will be implemented post v1.0). It's gonna turn some people off, but if you have extra monies and wanna support me in this pre v1.0 state, you can do that. I'll also be writing up an "about" page rather soonish so people can get a better idea of how the game will be, so you potential pledgers can then decide if you wanna support this project.

Now then, I've put this off long enough, I'll go ahead and force myself and finish up the rest of the busts.

EDIT: The about/info page is now up. Click this or look up around the top of the blog.

Apr 1, 2016

Butts revamp (April Fools 2016)

Alright everyone, in response to the whole Overwatch Tracer's over the shoulder pose "buttgate" shenanigan, I will be redrawing every pose I have done so far to over the shoulder poses with their asses right in front of the screen. Yes, that includes males too.

Seriously though, happy April Fools!

Mar 27, 2016

Happy Easter!

It's Easter today! Not that it really matters to me since I personally don't celebrate it. But for those who do, ya' know, happy Easter and happy holidays. I wanted to draw Player in a bunny suit but... I didn't. You might be happy to know that I'm instead painting a landscape-ish non-h CG to replace the blood red background of the title screen. That was always supposed to just be a placeholder, I'm just not sure why I thought blood red was a good idea.

Mar 25, 2016

UI changes - Choice boxes

Did this today. What is it, you ask? It's VN styled choice boxes. Unfortunately, I can't add spaces between the boxes. There's no option to do so in the plugin/script's setting (it's by Galv in case you wanted to look it up) and since I cannot program, I have no way to implement it myself. So we'll just have to live with this until a better solution/plugin comes along or something. That's all the news for today.

Mar 22, 2016

UI changes - Message boxes

Message box WIP
Ohai there. Didn't do too much with Captivity lately. Not being paid means less motivation. To be fair, it's technically because I've mostly been working on things OTHER than Captivity. But what little I've done with Captivity today is a new message box graphic. I'm doing away with the standard RPG Maker look while keeping the minimalistic light and dark motif I've been going for since the beginning. It doesn't look good/contrast well against things in the background right now so I'll be tweaking that further. But for now, this is the general look of it. I'll also be changing the entire look of the UI before v0.1, I'm just starting with the message box for now.

Still slowly tackling away at the busts. Who knew busts were so time consuming to make?

Mar 18, 2016

What have I done?

I went back and read the posts YSlayer made on my thread on LoK to see if I missed anything, and I recall this sentence: "Also kind of sad there isnt some kind of hidden scene/bonus dialogue for trying to talk to Kyle while he is fapping a bunch of times."
Why did I draw this?
While I stated that there won't be a bonus scene for this, I ended up sketching a what-if scenario CG. Huge emphasis on sketch. I didn't draw the hands, clothing or Kyle's penis because this is just a sketch and I'm being a lazy asshole and don't want to spend the extra effort. But who knows? If enough people asked for it, I'll do a full render of this and write up a scene for it.

And before anyone throw their arms in the air and run around like a madmen screaming, "OMG! Gay content! Nuuuuu!" No. Shut up. I specifically stated in my post talking about h-content that's gonna be in the game will have yaoi/gay content. Since Player will end up being female for the rest of the game, she will unlikely experience male gay sex herself anyway. Most of the yaoi content will be about Player looking at some other guys having yaoi sex in some form or other. So yes, most if not all of them is optional. So calm the fuck down and put down your pitch forks.

Mar 14, 2016

Patreon poll ended

So, the Patreon poll I have running for 2 weeks have just ended. While you can technically still vote, any votes past this moment will no longer count.
Poll results
Surprisingly, half of the votes is No. I was honestly expecting there to be 70% No. (Also, the better wording for that option would be "asking for money" instead of "collecting money," but I'm an idiot and I can't make any edits. You may or may not have noticed by now, but I make a LOT of edits when I post something.) Now, regarding the poll, since it ended with the votes split pretty evenly (and that I have given some thought to it personally), I will start up Patreon sometime soon post pre-build 4 release. I will also post it on tfgamessite like some people mentioned post pre-build 4. Just to see how many people will actually pledge to support this project. When I start up Patreon, you can most likely expect a proper documentation or two about how the game will be when it hits v0.1.

As for progress updates, Ryugami's bust is more or less done and I've finally begun to polish Player's bust and finalizing it.

Mar 11, 2016

Still alive

Yep. I am still alive. You have no idea how much I wanted to use that joke. Haven't done much work with Captivity recently. But I have worked on some other non-h stuff. Maybe one of these days I'll let you guys know what they are. But in any case, I'm not dead. And just a reminder the Patreon poll will be running for 4 or 5 more days. It's a couple posts below. So if you haven't voted yet, go for it.

Mar 3, 2016


So, first of all, Ryugami's bust is almost done. The hair is shaded and all's left for implementation into the game is just shading for the the skin, clothes and eyes and to draw a couple more expressions. Honestly, I have no idea why it's taking me so long to work on the busts. I guess I just don't feel very motivated drawing busts. They're more of an menial task than a creative one to me. And of course, any artists know that it's NOT true. My brain just somehow thinks that way.

In any case, I've also removed several equipment and equipment types. Basically, I removed the "All" types and the Overall type. I have no idea why I decided to implement them in the first place. Probably because the equipment types are somewhat inspired by the Korean MMORPG MapleStory. But I just decided (an hour ago) that they're redundant and should be removed. Doing this, of course, requires me to tweak many of the eventing I already done. So I'll be spending the rest of today fixing these broken events.

"But why?" You ask, "this is just a hentai game. Why art thou wasting time on game mechanics instead of drawing more porn?" And I reply thusly, "this is something that needs to be done. I'm not just making a hentai game. I'm making a GAME with hentai." Don't worry, I'll make a more detailed post sometime so you'll know what the fuck I'm blabbing about. 

And oh yeah, MapleStory, huh? That's a name I haven't heard of in recent years. I used to play it a LOT when I was in high school. I even used to skip school just to play Maple all day long. I was addicted to it. But I eventually stopped playing it because the newer updates just ruined the game. R.I.P MapleStory. I will remember the endless hours of entertainment you provided me. When you used to be fun, of course.

Feb 29, 2016


Not too much to talk about today. I've begun to work on the grammar issues mentioned on the previous post on this page. And if you haven't voted on the poll yet, please go ahead and do so. Alongside the grammar fixes, I'm also adding some more variants for being female. Previously the dialogues are quite gender ambiguous. I'm also finalizing the bust for Ryugami. Specifically, I added slightly more detail to his vest/jacket, but I won't post any art this time since I feel like I've been posting WAY too much incomplete artworks recently. But I'll probably post one when it's shaded and completed.

And yes, I know the title is incorrectly spelled. It was intentional.


 EDIT: The poll has ended. Thanks for everyone who voted.

Sorry for the lack of updates once again. I've been busy with real life stuffs and hadn't have much motivation to work on the game. Especially when as I mentioned in one of my earliest post that art assets is the single most time consuming thing to be done in a video game, and the fact that I'm not satisfied with Player's bust and wanted to add some more details to it. Right now it just looks extremely generic. Also, some somewhat important wall of text incoming.

Now what's up with the big orange words that reads "Patreon" with a question mark at the end? Well, that's me asking whether you guys would want me to implement Patreon right now. I know, I know, I said that I will only open up a Patreon account only when the game hits post v0.1.0. One of the main reasons I'm trying to hold off till then is due to the fact that there isn't much content to warrant Patreon implementation. The second reason has a slightly more in-depth reasoning. There isn't much gameplay to show HOW the gameplay will actually be as the game have a larger amount of content. What this means is that assuming if I did have a Patreon right now, and people actually pledged because they're interested in the project because of the intro, and when the final product came out, it's not what they expected it to be, and they'll feel cheated.

That's a lot of comma in that sentence. It looks like I failed as a writer. But nevertheless, things like that happen all the time. It's something people like to call "false advertisement." Aliens: Colonial Marines comes to mind when I think about false advertisements. Now I'm not trying to sound smart or political, I'm just saying that stuff like these happens all the time, and I do not want to be one of those people who make their PR look really good and the final product comes out as crap. I got derailed there, but one upside of having a Patreon now is that if I am being paid, I will be more motivated to work on this game.

So here's the deal, I'm setting up a poll for you guys to vote on whether or not I should set up Patreon at this pre v0.1.0 state. Now I'm expecting some error margin from this, so I included more options other than a simple yes and no. So go vote, and please try to be truthful. The poll will last for about a week or two. And even if the majority wanted me to implement Patreon right now, I wouldn't do it right away.

Now with all that Patreon stuff out of the way, what is stopping me from releasing the next pre-build?
I won't be a smartass and go into details on this so I'll just make a quick list.

-Busts for Player (for both naked and clothed), Player (Male), Kyle/Nosferatu, Kerry/Lucky17, Tatsumi/Ryugami, City Guard.
-CGs 2.
-The crap ton of grammar errors listed on page 2 on LoK's Captivity forum thread.
-Scene with the City Guards.

That's pretty much the only thing I need done to release pre-build 4. And I know this post is extremely haphazard and all over the place. That's mostly because I'm writing this around 4 in the morning. So I'm going to crash on my bed now.

Feb 23, 2016

Another bust down

Well, mostly. It has been long overdue though, so I figured I may as well get Ryugami's bust done with. The incomplete naked bust for Ryugami has actually been in the debug room since pre-build 1. I'm still toying around with the color combinations and still need to give it some simple shading. Busts aren't like CGs. They don't need to be extra detailed and require extreme shadings. Though some people may not agree on this. But from what I see with every game that has busts, they don't seem to have more than 2 or 3 shades for each hue. And yes, I know VNs has highly detailed shading. Captivity isn't a VN. I'm talking about non VN games like Disgaea and such.

The design of the clothing is somewhat similar to the Tales of games. It looks somewhat modern and stylish. That's the fashion I'm going for. If you're looking for high fantasy clothing designs, then sorry, there's not going to be much here. Although I think the sketch of Mage Trainer bust I posted some time ago is pretty much high fantasy design (and Kerry's too, that's pretty much just a leather dress).  But that may or may not change during the linearting phase.

That's it for today. I'll be tackling someone else's bust next.

ETA for next pre-build release? I dunno. I can hold off the sprites for the release after the next. So... whenever I finished all the busts and CG 2 I guess.