Aug 30, 2016

Blog redesigned!

So, you probably noticed I redesigned the blog. I don't really like the samey look everyone has. I'm looking at you, literally everyone else. Now that I made a jab at everyone, the blog still functions the same. Only that now it looks different and hopefully better. I haven't encountered a problem with this template so far, but lemme know if you encountered any. I made a backup so I can revert back to the old template in case something goes really wrong, but hopefully it won't come to that.

Update: I've started adding labels to the blog posts. If you hover over to the categories button, you'll be able to sort through the blog and find things that are relevant to your interest. Yay for sorting! Also, if you know me you should know that I dislike default looking things. I'll be tweaking the new blog template for awhile, so you might notice things being different the next day. I'll also have to decipher this whole html thingy though. Hopefully I won't break the blog in doing so.

Update 2: Yep, nope. I can't decipher this shit. I'm not sure if I'm just stupid or this is just written in such a way that it's impossible to figure out what's what. Granted, I have no idea what I'm doing to begin with, but eh.

1 comment:

  1. The redesigned blog is looking great, the yellowish/black combo works really well.
