Jul 29, 2016

A (still a little broken) Whole New World~ [Pre v0.1.0 build 4.1]

Not much else to say except that I fixed the damn game. This is what happens when you try something new and expect it to work without problems. Oh, and the fact that I didn't playtest before uploading, I guess. Also, note that I didn't update the version number in game. It shows up as "build 4" instead of  "build 4.1." Rest assured that you're playing build 4.1. Build 4 doesn't even start.

Updated links in the download tab.

Update: So, the reason the cutscene is missing in the abandoned house is because I fucked up. I'll upload a fix in a little bit.

A (almost) Whole New World~ [Pre v0.1.0 build 4]

Please don't sue me, Disney.

Apparently when I said "tomorrow," I meant a week later. I blame my computer. But anyway, here's pre build 4. And like I said in my previous post, this is more beta-y than the previous versions and the main changes are really just quality of life changes. (Full changelog below) But moving forward, I'll focus on new content and story. Download is in the download tab as always.

(This version doesn't start, download the 4.1 version.)

- Press T to wait
- New logo
- Ultra sleek sexy looking main menu
- New main menu soundtrack that is more MMO-sounding
- New message boxes graphic
- VN styled choice boxes
- Gallery button in the main menu that doesn't work yet
- Version number now properly reflects build version (e.g Pre v0.1.0 build 4 instead of simply Pre v0.1.0)
- Fullscreen toggle in options
- New font
- Message letter sound effects

- Updated RPG Maker MV engine to 1.2.0
- Optimized default RTP image resources that comes with engine update 1.1.0
- Intro dialogue changes
- Player's class starts out blank until a class is chosen
- Changed starting location for skipping
- Lust gain is now 1 by every 10 minutes instead of 6 by every hour
- Tweaked description of Wooden Helmet, Rusty Sword and Straw Shirt
- Estal City South Gate map tweaks
- "To Title" is now renamed "Main Menu"
- All normal weapon attacks (Heavy slash, Double Shot, etc) is now renamed "Attack"
- Removed the ability to switch weapon in combat
- Removed the equipment type "Overall" and and all equipment type with the suffix "All"
- Sound effect changes
- Updated credits
- Internal changes, general clean up and destroyed some dirty edits

- Fixed final character customization incorrectly reading gender
- Fixed the transfer event after final character customization requiring action button instead of player touch
- Added a simple loading screen to prevent 'drawImage' error from happening from transitioning screens

Debug room changes:
- Press tilde ~ key to access the debug room
- Reworked debug room access (No longer require a password to enter. In its place, a txt config file is in the game's folder and you'll have to set it to either true or false.)
- Debug key (the item) removed
- Removed CG viewer
- Restructured Weapons & Armor debug crystal
- Added slime enemies in battle tester
- Enemies no longer drop dominions
- Changing classes will no longer reset your level (thanks to engine update 1.1.0!)
- Debug Bat will now send you to a fixed location to prevent you from getting stuck if that's why you entered the debug room in the first place

Implemented scripts:
*Updated some scripts*
*Removed some outdated scripts*
-Button Common Events by Yanfly
- FPS Synch Option by Yanfly
- Equip Requirements by Yanfly
- Call Event by Yanfly
- Extended Message Pack 1 by Yanfly
- RemoveTitleScreen by SumRndmDde
- Fullscreen Toggle Options by SumRndmDde

Jul 21, 2016

Update imminent!

Ohai guys. I'll be ACTUALLY releasing pre-build 4 soon. Figured I'd do it before someone thinks I'm dead or abandoned the project in lieu of the recent events regarding Breeding Season (which I'll talk a little below). Just note that it's more "beta-y" than all other updates previously. For one, only the dialogue in the first intro segment is updated, while the one in the abandoned house was only slightly updated. I did a lot of changes in the text bubbles in pre-build 4 and so it involved a lot of repetitive changes in existing texts which I haven't got to doing yet.

The other story is that the graphics card my friend gave me also broke down. I had to bring both cards (HD 6870) to a store to see what was wrong with them. The card I previously had was basically melted, while the one my friend gave me was faulty and they couldn't find out what was wrong with it. And thus now I'm left without a graphics card. (And for the record, my monitor is actually connected to my motherboard since I have no graphics card right now.) So I basically spent the week in a internet cafe playing MMOs and couldn't work on the game because it was a SFW environment. Not that it stopped people from watching porn in broad daylight, but that's besides the point. For pre-build 5, I'm gonna work on more content (especially the story) since I couldn't do any graphical work now. And just for another record, I only collected 3 dollars from Patreon so far, so it's not like I'm in a financial situation where I could readily afford a replacement card.

And so here we are with the whole Breeding Season thing. I don't know where I'm going with this or the point I was trying to make so I actually deleted an entire passage and revised it a couple of times due to the amount of fluff I write. It lends well to Capitivity, but not so well with news posts. So I'm gonna to give it to you guys straight. With what happened with the recent events, I feel like I need to reassure you that I AM NOT going to abandon this project. While I haven't exactly been hiding the fact that I also have another non-h project in (kinda) the works, it's basically on-hold indefinitely due to ambition of the project. I do occasionally go back to it and flesh it out some more and keep my creativity and passion for video games fresh (which has been going on for a couple of years now, that's how long I've been working on that particular project). As for Captivity, it started out as a simple idea before it started snowballing until one day I decided, "hey, I'm gonna start doing this!" I actually had to scale back the scope a number of times for the game due to the limits of the engine and the amount of work that's gonna go into it (eg. animated busts, customizable protagonist that includes both male and female, a more action based combat system, etc). Even then, I'm still actively managing the scope of the game to prevent it from spiraling out of control and becoming unachievable. The game is still rather ambitious, mind you, but definitely not impossible.

I tried keeping the fluff to a minimum, but that didn't work out too well. But that's basically it for today. See you guys tomorrow for pre-build 4!

Jul 11, 2016

Update delayed D:

Uh yeah, so my graphics card just kinda died. While I've been browsing LoK and managed to make a couple posts with my phone, I couldn't do that with this blog, and I struggled to get my damn PC to turn on. So sorry for the lack of news/updates for the past couple days.  I managed to borrow one of my friend's older card (which surprisingly is the same card as the one I had which just died). I said "borrow," but he really just kinda gave it to me. Though I have no idea how long this is going to last. Since his card (which is currently installed on my PC) is a year older than the one I had. So we'll see how it goes.

But back to work I guess. Just wanna post this to let you guys know what's been going on.