Jul 11, 2016

Update delayed D:

Uh yeah, so my graphics card just kinda died. While I've been browsing LoK and managed to make a couple posts with my phone, I couldn't do that with this blog, and I struggled to get my damn PC to turn on. So sorry for the lack of news/updates for the past couple days.  I managed to borrow one of my friend's older card (which surprisingly is the same card as the one I had which just died). I said "borrow," but he really just kinda gave it to me. Though I have no idea how long this is going to last. Since his card (which is currently installed on my PC) is a year older than the one I had. So we'll see how it goes.

But back to work I guess. Just wanna post this to let you guys know what's been going on.


  1. Ugh... this is really bad news :(
    I think your card died like a hero! Rest in peace, little cardy. Your duty is now finished :(

  2. When? When!? Wheeeeeeeeen!? *jumping like a little girl*

  3. Hope it goes smoothly and good luck!!!!

  4. Hey, there's anyone alive here?
    *Howling of the wind. Lonely tumbleweed rolls across the blog*
