Jun 30, 2017

Unity port tease/progress update

So since I'm back from my long ass hiatus (more details here), I figured I might as well tease you guys with some progress updates. I'll occasionally update this post with new stuff, so check back frequently. On the other hand, I usually post these things on the Discord channel first, so if you absolutely can't wait to see progress updates, go there.

Do note that these are not the final product since they still need more tweaks. This post is more about what you can vaguely expect to see in the game. So assume things will be different in one way or another in the final implementation.

How busts look
(Fucked up resizing the left bust, ignore the white artifacts pl0x)
Expressions for the busts.
(Frown is technically displeased in this case but I'm obviously very fluent in English.)

Expression sketches of Ryugami.

WIP CG for Imps.