Dec 31, 2016

(I hope this is the) Final design for Player

This is either the 3rd or 4th iteration of Player's design. Player characters designs - at least for me - are difficult to settle on because you don't want the players to get tired of looking at them. But this will HOPEFULLY be the final design. I'd hate to redesign her again.

So a few things I changed/different from the WIP CG in pre-build 4.4 is namely the hairstyle. Aside from giving her random strands of hair that curls upwards to her right, the previous random ahoge (cowlick) never really sat well with me, so I changed that to a slightly more natural looking one. Other than that, she still retains the vest coat, but now with extra belts. That half skirt thingy is now on her left. And finally I removed the gloves because I realized it looked terrible. (By the way, anatomy's a god damn bitch.)

With that out of the way, the other news is that the update is coming along nicely. I should hopefully be able to release pre-build 5 sometime in January provided I'm not scheduled more shifts. God I hate working in retail. Anyway, that's it for today and happy new years eves!

Dec 25, 2016

Merry Christmas! (Christmas 2016)

Merry Christmas everyone! While I apologize for not having the update ready yet, I drew a quick portrait for the occasion. I've missed the chance to draw a bunny outfit for Easter and skimpy costume for Halloween, but I don't wanna miss what is essentially the last Holiday of the year. So here you go, a somewhat sexy Christmas outfit for you guys. I only drew a portrait because I only have a few hours left before the clock hits 12.

You might also notice her hairstyle looks a little different, that's because I've decided to touch up the design of her hairstyle a little. Because with the characters I've had planned and some designed, the Player character looks literally the least interesting. So I touched it up a little. The thing with designing protagonists is that you don't want them to look too overwhelming and make other characters unnoticeable or making them too underwhelming and make the protagonist look shitty. So yeah, there ya go. I'm still not entirely satisfied with the hairstyle though, so expect it to be tweaked further.

That's it for today, see you guys next year!