Jun 30, 2016

Update soon?!

The update is coming along nicely. I should be able to get it out within a week or two. I'm also gonna map out a couple more maps for you guys to explore, since pre-build 4 isn't going to advance the story by a lot. I seriously want to get to v0.1 soon. I WANT TO WRITE MORE STORY CONTENT!

Behind the scenes...
Speaking of which, I'm rewriting some of the dialogues in the game for a more consistent approach to things. Remember how Tatsumi can't give a proper reason when he propose to not use your real names? Now he DOES give a proper and not at all bullshit reason! Also, this is a behind the scenes kinda thing, if you name your character's real life name Jake, you'll get a unique response! Otherwise, you'll just get a generic response. And no, I'm NOT telling you to name your character Jake. Name your character whatever you want. This is just one of the little details I'm giving the game. I love little details like these in games.

UPDATE: I usually don't update posts like this, but I feel like this little news update doesn't justify a new post.  But I've been going through some of my writing and I'll say it's cringey as fuck. On my thread on LoK, I mentioned how I'm not satisfied with the dialogue and I think this is part of the reason. It's so fucking cringe worthy. What was I thinking when I wrote it? I feel physical pain in my chest as I read the damn thing. That's how cringey it is. So yes, I'm rewriting parts of it and generally making it less cringey. So that's something to look forward to.

Jun 26, 2016

Pushing my buttons

Hi guys, quick news update. I wanna get the update out soon, so no sketches like I promised 2 posts ago. I'm still in the middle of implementing the buttons.

Yep. That's it. That's the news for today. The rest of this post is just me talking about some technical stuff and rant about RPG Maker. So read on if you're interested.

One of the improvements I've made to it since the last video I posts is that I animated it. I'm not gonna make a video about it because it's not a change significant enough to warrant me making one. The reason you'll want to animate UI elements is to provide more of a visual feedback to the player to let them know "oh hey, you pressed this". These tiny effects aren't really noticeable for the most part. But if you REALLY pay attention to any digital buttons you see (in apps, browsers, games or whatever), you'll notice the buttons will linger for a couple of frames, change colors or plays a special effect when pressed. If any of this info doesn't concern you, don't worry. It's mostly targeted for those interested in game design/development. I'm sure there's a couple of you in here.

So anyway, the buttons I'm implementing still has a lot of troubleshooting to be done. One of the problem I'm running into is the text bubble not appearing while the buttons is fading away. Since every text bubbles is activated by a common event to play the animation (yep, even the text bubbles are animated), both events are conflicting with each other and thus either the text bubble disappear entirely or the buttons fail to fade out properly. Which I blame RPG Maker. It has problems with running show picture commands from multiple events simultaneously. So I'm trying to find a workaround, which irritates me quite a bit. WHY DO YOU HAVE SO MANY PROBLEMS, RPG MAKER?! I'm pretty sure I'm not to blame for trying to do some advanced stuff with your engine. Your motto is "Simple enough for a child; Powerful enough for a developer." SO WHY?!

But yeah, that's really it for today. I'll update this post when I fixed it or something. And then I can move on to completing CGs 2.

UPDATE: Okay, I'm pretty sure I fixed the damn thing now. Turns out it's just a dirty edit related to a post image cleanup common event I've set up. As for the buttons failing to fade out, surprise! It's another dirty edit that's causing it. I fixed that too so everything is working as intended now. I strucked out the rant I've made because that's clearly my fault and not RPG Maker's. That's right, I'm not afraid to admit my own mistakes. Be right back while I cry in a corner out of embarrassment.

Jun 20, 2016

Player design finalized

So hi. Kinda been missing for the past few days running errands and hung out with a friend or two. Generally because I'm not making much money from Captivity right now. Speaking of which, thanks to the recent guy that pledged 10 dollars! It's probably nothing worth mentioning for you guys, but it's rather exciting to me. Nothing beats the warm fuzzy feeling in your heart when someone likes your work and willing to support you financially. I'm not gonna name names, but you know who you are. Thanks a lot, man!

But back on topic, in today's news, I've finalized Player's design. Well, almost. The details on the boots and glove is still missing. But yeah, I've scrapped 3 designs prior to this one, so it's nice to finally got her look down. And that half skirt thingy? I thought about making a skirt version of this outfit as an alternate clothing you can change into provided your character is female "irl" or have low enough inhibition, but considered the CGs and everything, too much work. I'm not gonna draw alternate skirt CGs. So I decided to just give her a half skirt. Her design is always intended to be kinda gender neutral, but you know. She has tits. I can't make her anymore gender neutral than that with those. inb4 radical feminazi tumblr sjws come down on me. Once I've linearted and painted this, I'll put this somewhere on my Patreon page as a sort of promotional material. Maybe besides the Summary. I feel like my Patreon page is really empty compared to some of the other guys' pages.

Before you ask, she IS gonna have more outfit than this. But they'll mainly be exclusive to certain events and CGs. For example, working as a waitress in a sleazy bar located in the underground red light district will have Player wear a bunny outfit and get harassed by horny old men. For those who still hasn't caught on, almost every post I reveal a tease or two for the game. So yeah, check the posts if you wanna see what I've teased so far.

Yes, I know this post is getting way too long, but stay with me. The ETA on pre-build 4? Soon. The only thing left is to implement all the buttons and finish up CGs 2. I won't give an exact date yet, because I always bite off more work than I can chew. But I promise I'll stop fucking around and hurry up with the update. And the final thing for today, for those who keep up with my blog posts, a guy named Lithras contacted me and offered to draw CGs for Captivity. We exchanged a couple of emails, but nothing came out of it. So for those who knew about it, there's the update for that.

And I guess that's it for today, see ya!

Jun 14, 2016

New logo!

Yes, I know I promised to share porns for a couple of posts. But when it comes to either working on the game to get the update out as quick as possible and drawing sketches, the choice should be pretty obvious. Okay, I know what I said, those sketches are eventually gonna be turned into actual CGs anyway, but you know what I mean. I'm having a hard time coming up with interesting perspective for the CGs. So yeah, I'm waiting for that inspiration to hit.

(Wow, OBS Google/Youtube suck. I'm recording at 720p and the quality is still shit.)

So in this video, I'm featuring the newly done logo! Which is 35% less shitty. So that's good. I was never that good at making logos to begin with. That pause after hitting New Game isn't a bug. It's intentional. I want it to give a dramatic opening that literally screams "oh damn! Shit's going down!" Well, whether or not it has the effect I intended is debatable though. You also may or may not noticed I replaced the sound effects.

And using the techniques I did with the custom main menu, the buttons are now also custom! That means I can replace the previously Galv's plugin provided VN buttons with my own custom ones. My method of displaying buttons provides more control, so that's nice. Had to do some clever eventing to make sure the text display properly though.

I also mentioned that I was going to replace the on-screen keyboard for an actual keyboard input for names, but I had to scrap it in the end due to complications with the plugin. For technical details, the plugin basically doesn't draw the png file properly. It didn't process the transparency so it ended up being a black screen that obstructs everything behind it.

If I only know how to program, all these would be so much easier. But who am I kidding? Me? Learning how to program? Nope. I'm too lazy to do that. Anyhow, that's it for today. See ya!

Jun 8, 2016

Moar sketches

Another sketch today. I feel like I've haven't shown any porn thingies lately so I'll be sharing porns for a few posts. Welp, this is the sketch of the blowjob scene. This particular variant with the hand on her head is the rough variant near the end of the scene. So the CGs prior to this one is gonna be rather...gentle, I guess? Once again, didn't use any guidelines. Let me know if there's anything wrong you see with this.

I've touched on this a little before in one of my comment replies, but early game is gonna be tough. You'll need money. And one of the ways to earn money? Give people blowjobs! (Is that social commentary right there?) Though you'll need to lower your inhibition first in order to blow people for money. So if you can't give people blowjobs because your inhibition isn't low enough, you'll instead have to give people handjobs first! (Expect a sketch of the handjob CG sometime soon)

I've thought about titling this post something punny like I suck or something, but I didn't do it. xD

Jun 7, 2016

Clothing redesign for Player

Hi there. I sketched this and painted it willy nilly. I don't know why I gave up trying to get the anatomy right. Probably because I didn't use guidelines. I really need to start using guidelines. Or that I'm fucking hungry as shit. I could use some food. Or maybe because I spent all my effort and energy on getting the hands right. Damn, I draw some great hands. I have a feeling the handjob CGs are going to look great.

Anyway, enough rambling. I redesigned her clothing. Instead of that weird small ass vest thingy, it's now a weird long hip length vest thingy. Her undershirt's sleeves got removed, and I gave her some gloves. I was thinking her gloves would be black, but since I didn't paint it, now I think white looks pretty good. I don't know, let me know what you guys think about her new design. And that gem right there? Like everything else I've teased so far, it's once again going to play a substantial part in the game. Take a guess what it is.

Also, does anyone actually noticed I've been calling her Player with a capital P like a name this entire time? I never gave her or him a canon name since I don't want her to be like one of those protagonist that you can rename but they would still have a canon name (e.g Link from the Zelda games). Nope. She doesn't have a canon name. I just call her Player, and even the game files simply refer to her as Player.

Jun 4, 2016

Quick update

Hi guys, a quick little update tonight. Basically been spending the last day or two finishing up the new main menu and implementing it into the main build. It's an extreme pain in the ass to do this, but I think it's worth it. :P

Once again, the reason I'm spending so much effort on the GUI is because I don't want Captivity to suffer from what I call "another generic looking RPG Maker game syndrome." So yeah, pre-build 4 will mostly be a GUI revamp. I've also put in a Gallery button in the main menu, so if you ever wondered if Captivity is gonna have a CG viewer, you've got your answer there. Once you hit the Gallery button, 2 new button pops up. "Scenes," and "CGs." Pretty self-explanatory. Scenes just runs the h-scenes again with the CGs rolling behind as normal while CGs just lets you view the CGs without the talking and the message boxes. They don't exactly work right now, but it's there for me to fill up in the future. The attached video also has things I'm not mentioning in this post because I'm tired and I wants to sleep. And yes, I know the video quality sucks. I literally just downloaded OBS to record this. Didn't spend much time with the settings so you'll have to bear with me with the bad quality video. (Okay, I've rewatched the video, so now I'm blaming Google/Youtube for the horrid quality.

And that's it for tonight's news! See ya guys once I got more done!