Jun 20, 2016

Player design finalized

So hi. Kinda been missing for the past few days running errands and hung out with a friend or two. Generally because I'm not making much money from Captivity right now. Speaking of which, thanks to the recent guy that pledged 10 dollars! It's probably nothing worth mentioning for you guys, but it's rather exciting to me. Nothing beats the warm fuzzy feeling in your heart when someone likes your work and willing to support you financially. I'm not gonna name names, but you know who you are. Thanks a lot, man!

But back on topic, in today's news, I've finalized Player's design. Well, almost. The details on the boots and glove is still missing. But yeah, I've scrapped 3 designs prior to this one, so it's nice to finally got her look down. And that half skirt thingy? I thought about making a skirt version of this outfit as an alternate clothing you can change into provided your character is female "irl" or have low enough inhibition, but considered the CGs and everything, too much work. I'm not gonna draw alternate skirt CGs. So I decided to just give her a half skirt. Her design is always intended to be kinda gender neutral, but you know. She has tits. I can't make her anymore gender neutral than that with those. inb4 radical feminazi tumblr sjws come down on me. Once I've linearted and painted this, I'll put this somewhere on my Patreon page as a sort of promotional material. Maybe besides the Summary. I feel like my Patreon page is really empty compared to some of the other guys' pages.

Before you ask, she IS gonna have more outfit than this. But they'll mainly be exclusive to certain events and CGs. For example, working as a waitress in a sleazy bar located in the underground red light district will have Player wear a bunny outfit and get harassed by horny old men. For those who still hasn't caught on, almost every post I reveal a tease or two for the game. So yeah, check the posts if you wanna see what I've teased so far.

Yes, I know this post is getting way too long, but stay with me. The ETA on pre-build 4? Soon. The only thing left is to implement all the buttons and finish up CGs 2. I won't give an exact date yet, because I always bite off more work than I can chew. But I promise I'll stop fucking around and hurry up with the update. And the final thing for today, for those who keep up with my blog posts, a guy named Lithras contacted me and offered to draw CGs for Captivity. We exchanged a couple of emails, but nothing came out of it. So for those who knew about it, there's the update for that.

And I guess that's it for today, see ya!


  1. With the multiple outfits, I've gotta ask: will there be any exhibitionism-related content (optional or otherwise)?

    1. Yes, exhibition content is planned. Though I hadn't planned how they are gonna be implemented scene wise.

      Take a look at "Planned erotic content" post I made in February. Just click on February's tab on the right. There's probably things I didn't mention, but the list is still rather extensive and should give you a rough idea of what I've planned.

  2. Ehhh... this skirt seems really weird for me, but... who i am? You are the boss :D

    Good job :)

  3. When are you planning next release?
