Change log

Change log:

Pre v0.1.0 build 4.4 -

Bug fixes:
- Re-added the missing h-scene 2

Pre v0.1.0 build 4.3 -

- Added a second dialogue for Kyle after the first scene for consistency

- Updated RPG Maker MV engine to 1.3.1
- House scene dialogue fully updated
- Main menu tweaks:
 * Optimized main menu (should no longer stutter randomly after the disclaimer)
 * Pressing X/cancel now also advances the disclaimer
 * Quit Game button is now less sudden and fadeout slightly before closing the game
- Text bubbles animation tweaks
- "Guard" during combat is renamed to "Defend"

Bug fixes:
- Fixed h-scene 1 dialogue using the wrong text bubble
- No longer able to press T to wait or ~ to enter the debug room in the main menu

Debug room changes:
- Re-added the missing sex stat crystal

Implemented scripts:
*Updated some scripts*

Pre v0.1.0 build 4.2 -

Bug fix:
- Fixed many bugs

Pre v0.1.0 build 4.1 -

Bug fix:
- Fixed missing assets that caused the game to not launch

Pre v0.1.0 build 4 -

- Press T to wait
- New logo
- Ultra sleek sexy looking main menu
- New main menu soundtrack that is more MMO-sounding
- New message boxes graphic
- VN styled choice boxes
- Gallery button in the main menu that doesn't work yet
- Version number now properly reflects build version (e.g Pre v0.1.0 build 4 instead of simply Pre v0.1.0)
- Fullscreen toggle in options
- New font
- Message letter sound effects

- Updated RPG Maker MV engine to 1.2.0
- Optimized default RTP image resources that comes with engine update 1.1.0
- Intro dialogue changes
- Player's class starts out blank until a class is chosen
- Changed starting location for skipping
- Lust gain is now 1 by every 10 minutes instead of 6 by every hour
- Tweaked description of Wooden Helmet, Rusty Sword and Straw Shirt
- Estal City South Gate map tweaks
- "To Title" is now renamed "Main Menu"
- All normal weapon attacks (Heavy slash, Double Shot, etc) is now renamed "Attack"
- Removed the ability to switch weapon in combat
- Removed the equipment type "Overall" and and all equipment type with the suffix "All"
- Sound effect changes
- Updated credits
- Internal changes, general clean up and destroyed some dirty edits

- Fixed final character customization incorrectly reading gender
- Fixed the transfer event after final character customization requiring action button instead of player touch
- Added a simple loading screen to prevent 'drawImage' error from happening from transitioning screens

Debug room changes:
- Press tilde ~ key to access the debug room
- Reworked debug room access (No longer require a password to enter. In its place, a txt config file is in the game's folder and you'll have to set it to either true or false.)
- Debug key (the item) removed
- Removed CG viewer
- Restructured Weapons & Armor debug crystal
- Added slime enemies in battle tester
- Enemies no longer drop dominions
- Changing classes will no longer reset your level (thanks to engine update 1.1.0!)
- Debug Bat will now send you to a fixed location to prevent you from getting stuck if that's why you entered the debug room in the first place

Implemented scripts:
*Updated some scripts*
*Removed some outdated scripts*
-Button Common Events by Yanfly
- FPS Synch Option by Yanfly
- Equip Requirements by Yanfly
- Call Event by Yanfly
- Extended Message Pack 1 by Yanfly
- RemoveTitleScreen by SumRndmDde
- Fullscreen Toggle Options by SumRndmDde

Pre v0.1.0 build 3 -

Day night + time system
Lust system
You'll now gain some money at the beginning as initially intended
Sex stat menu
New sex stat: Orgasms, Hand, Masturbation
Completed the intro
Completed the H-scenes
Completed H-scene 1's CGs
Placeholder 2 tiles high sprites

You can now enter name up to 12 characters long as opposed to just 8
Removed the loading screen
Skip intro now sends you to Hill West of Estal City instead of the Abandoned House
Intro sequence tweaks
Kerry's move route during the intro sequence is now 3 blocks instead of 2
Kerry's position will now reset everytime you return to the map to prevent Kerry from moving too far to the right
Initial inhibition for choosing to be a female is no longer 90 and is now the same as choosing male (100)
Changed the sound effects of Cursor, OK and Cancel -basically this means some sound effects are less annoying
Tweaked the way final selection works
The sex stat "oral" is now renamed "mouth"
The currency "Gold" is now renamed "Dominion"

Choosing gender at the final selection option will no longer act like you selected Done
After H-scene 2 your stat for humanoid partners will now increase by 1

Debug room changes:
The Debug Bat will send you back to your previous location instead of a fixed location
Using the Debug Key while in the Debug Room will now also send you back to your previous location

Implemented scripts:
Status Menu Core by Yanfly
Actor Variables by Yanfly
Time System by Atelier-Rgss/Moghunter
Time System Hud by by Atelier-Rgss/Moghunter
Save File Extras by Amuseum
Splash Screen Ex by Soulpour777

Pre v0.1.0 build 2 -

Written more and essentially finished the first part of the intro (H-scenes still not written yet)
Conversations added for both Kyle and Kerry after the dialogue sequence is completed
Written more of final part of the intro (the abandoned house scene)
Added the 2 intro H-scenes' choices to the Skip intro choice
All current weapon and armors now has stats, these stats will be balanced and tweaked as more combat content are available

Your initial inhibition is now 100 instead of 0 derp
Slightly tweaked some lines of the existing intro dialogues
The choice Stop him in intro H-scene 1 will now raise inhibition by 1
The choice Swallow in intro H-scene 2 will now reduce inhibition by 3 instead of 2
Double Shot and Double Stab now hits twice instead of once
Changed Wooden Staff's description
Changed Pointy Hat's description
Tweaked Rune Shirt's description
Tweaked Leather Greaves' description
Tweaked credits page

Implemented scripts:
ShopMenuCore by Yanfly EventSaveLocation by Yanfly Galv's Cam Control by Galv Flare Collection - Notifications by DarknessFalls

Pre v0.1.0 build 1 -

Initial Release

Release log:

Pre v0.1.0 build 3 (18 January 2016)
Pre v0.1.0 build 2 (10 January 2016)
Pre v0.1.0 build 1 (8 January 2016)
Dates are in UTC*