Apr 1, 2018

Happy April Fools! (2018)

Happy April's Fools, guys! Sorry, I didn't prepare a joke this time, so take a heartfelt wish for your well-being and enjoyment on the first day of April. It's been a long time since I last made a blog post. But the game's not dead. I'm not dead. But I'll at least explain in this post below why I haven't been posting anything or giving progress updates.

Now as all of you may know, this is my first project. And I have this stupid idea in my head that my first project must be something that's good and presentable to the world (even though it's pretty much just porn, shut up.). Which quite frankly, is a VERY bad idea. A first project should never be your magnum opus. So if you're an aspiring creator that want to create something and if there's any lesson that I've learned and can teach you, it's to start out small, and not with something like this.

I say all that, but I'm still gonna follow through on it. I know, I know, sunk cost fallacy yadda yadda. But fuck you. I want to make this game. (I know someone is gonna feel personally attacked, but that fuck you is me being facetious.)

As for the reason why I haven't posted anything at all, it basically boils down to how I don't want my things to look shit. Which is a tough thing to do because to me, "not shit" is apparently defined as "perfect." (Again, it's a bad practice. Don't do it. It's bad for business and I'm trying to stop myself from doing it.) Because of that, a lot of times I have to go back on something I worked on earlier to tweak it, fix it up and whatnot. Basically, almost nothing is ever finalized. Which is why I'm hesitant to post any progress updates for fear that more changes are required and I have to make another update for the same upda-

My life is a mess.

So anyway, I'll try to make more progress updates from here on out, be more active on social media and whatnot. As a friendly reminder, I'm still pretty active on Discord, so come find me there. And while I still can't promise you the wait will be worth it, I hope you'll at least look forward to it.

And just before you guys accuse me of having done nothing for the past 2 years or so, which to be fair, is technically true since I keep revising everything, here's a teaser of the battlesprite.

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