Mar 19, 2017

We now has a Discord!

So, I've made a Discord server. I know not everyone follow me twitter or whatever, and I know quite a few of you guys likes dev/community interaction. So you guys can come on Discord and chat with me (and others) about whatever real time as long as I'm online! Bear in mind that while I know my games are adult in nature, due to Discord's TOS, I can't allow explicit content. You can still talk about stuffs but try not to go overly descriptive.

A quick random SFW art~

I should be posting this on Twitter instead, but eh, whatever.
And yes, the port to Unity is still on-going. Though I've been spending most of my time on Epoch Point because I want to get that out as soon as possible. Welp, see you guys next post!

EDIT: I apparently wrote SWF instead of SFW.

Mar 11, 2017

Epoch Point is now a thing!

Project Rhenium, the sidescrolling survival action shooter I mentioned in the previous post? Welp, Epoch Point is now a thing. I usually codename my projects whenever I don't want to reveal the game's actual name before actually committing to it. So now that I've revealed its name, it's now a thing I'm committing to.

As this is captivity-hrpg, I won't be posting any news, updates or whatever about Epoch Point here. So, I've made a new dev blog dedicated to Epoch Point. This link - and a new option on the menu bar on top - will take you to Epoch Point's dev blog. There's nothing there yet, but keep an eye out!

And if anyone's wonder what does "hassg" stands for, it stands for "hentai action shooter sidescrolling game." Kinda like how "hrpg" on this blog stands for "hentai role-playing game." I know "hassg" sounds kinda odd, but the alternative would be "hsasg," which is probably worse on the tongue.

Mar 9, 2017

Unity port and Project Rhenium?!

Hi. So, yeah. Once again, apologies for delaying the update again. God, I need to get my shit together. For those who don't know, I made an announcement in the form of a post on the LoK thread about porting the game over to Unity. Because RPG Maker is so incredibly hard to use and messy with what I want to do with the game, I finally gave in and decided to port the game over to Unity. And don't worry about how much this'll change the game, I can assure you not much? The game is still 2D, top-down and is a RPG. Hopefully better in every way on Unity.

And remembered what happened to Project Iodine? I basically canceled that. But now, Project Rhenium! Why? Because I wanna make a side-scrolling survival shooter. I decided that this will be a great side project I can work on as it's not narrative heavy and I can give you guys something to play while I port Captivity over to Unity. But yeah, go over to the thread and tell me what you guys think.