Ohai guys. I'll be ACTUALLY releasing pre-build 4 soon. Figured I'd do it before someone thinks I'm dead or abandoned the project in lieu of the recent events regarding Breeding Season (which I'll talk a little below). Just note that it's more "beta-y" than all other updates previously. For one, only the dialogue in the first intro segment is updated, while the one in the abandoned house was only slightly updated. I did a lot of changes in the text bubbles in pre-build 4 and so it involved a lot of repetitive changes in existing texts which I haven't got to doing yet.
The other story is that the graphics card my friend gave me also broke down. I had to bring both cards (HD 6870) to a store to see what was wrong with them. The card I previously had was basically melted, while the one my friend gave me was faulty and they couldn't find out what was wrong with it. And thus now I'm left without a graphics card. (And for the record, my monitor is actually connected to my motherboard since I have no graphics card right now.) So I basically spent the week in a internet cafe playing MMOs and couldn't work on the game because it was a SFW environment. Not that it stopped people from watching porn in broad daylight, but that's besides the point. For pre-build 5, I'm gonna work on more content (especially the story)
since I couldn't do any graphical work now. And just for another record,
I only collected 3 dollars from Patreon so far, so it's not like I'm in
a financial situation where I could readily afford a replacement card.
And so here we are with the whole Breeding Season thing. I don't know where I'm going with this or the point I was trying to make so I actually deleted an entire passage and revised it a couple of times due to the amount of fluff I write. It lends well to Capitivity, but not so well with news posts. So I'm gonna to give it to you guys straight. With what happened with the recent events, I feel like I need to reassure you that I AM NOT going to abandon this project. While I haven't exactly been hiding the fact that I also have another non-h project in (kinda) the works, it's basically on-hold indefinitely due to ambition of the project. I do occasionally go back to it and flesh it out some more and keep my creativity and passion for video games fresh (which has been going on for a couple of years now, that's how long I've been working on that particular project). As for Captivity, it started out as a simple idea before it started snowballing until one day I decided, "hey, I'm gonna start doing this!" I actually had to scale back the scope a number of times for the game due to the limits of the engine and the amount of work that's gonna go into it (eg. animated busts, customizable protagonist that includes both male and female, a more action based combat system, etc). Even then, I'm still actively managing the scope of the game to prevent it from spiraling out of control and becoming unachievable. The game is still rather ambitious, mind you, but definitely not impossible.
I tried keeping the fluff to a minimum, but that didn't work out too well. But that's basically it for today. See you guys tomorrow for pre-build 4!
We know...
ReplyDelete...oh, i mean, we will wait oO
I think I have a old graphics card that I would be willing to part with for free I am not positive that I still have it so I will let you know around Monday if I still have it if I do it would be a gtx 275 not a beast of a card by today's standEards but it would work
ReplyDeleteI appreciate the offer but that won't be necessary. Mailing something like that across the globe is atrociously expensive. What I'll likely end up doing is to ask my family members to lend me the money for a replacement card.
DeleteRecently, I began to notice some "signs" that worry me ... I hope the game will be all right Q_Q
ReplyDeleteHeh, if it makes you feel any better I'm not going through any legal trouble. Just tech trouble. Tech troubles are annoying. xD