May 30, 2016

muh immersion

Ohai there. A little progress update for you guys today. I know you guys are dying for more progress updates and especially actual updates! Welp, I can tell you it's coming along nicely. If you're a Patron you can tell I've done a little more since the previous post. The changelog IS live, after all. Anyhow, I can't give you guys an ETA yet. I know I've said I wanted to just get the update out as soon as possible, but I REALLY don't want to rush anything when it comes to art. Remember the last time I rushed a sketch? Yeah, didn't look good, did it? By the way, here's the newer sketch for comparison. So yeah, I've mainly been taking my time with the CG.

Also, I've been toying around in a separate testing RPG Maker project file to test and set up a custom main menu/title screen. REALLY, REALLY advanced stuff. Lots of eventing and script calls involved. I could've downloaded some 3rd party plugins for this, but meh. I feel like those are too limiting in terms of customization. Honestly though, you'd be really surprised with what RPG Maker can do even without using plugins or scripts. In any case, I could probably set up something pretty to look at with animated grasses and shit. I'm talking about this CG, by the way. So the main menu will look more MMO-esque for maximum immersion! :D
much eventing
such scripting


  1. All those news sounds very interesting. Cool! I look forward to more news and posts! Your work is great, keep it up! :D

  2. Yay! Good work!
