Oct 16, 2016

What's going on?

Hi guys. Apologies for the huge lack of any sort of progress update for the past 2 weeks or so. I've been really busy with part time work and all. Y'know when I took a part time job, I expected to have time in between shifts to work on the game, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Now a little background on my financial situation so you'd have an idea of what I'm up to. I'm not in a tight need for money or in some sort of debt. In fact, I still live with my family (I'm 20, what you'd expect?). That being said, I still have to pay for my own bills and food. Mostly because I'm insistent on refusing to go to college. I have that to thank for not having to pay off student loans for the next 10 to 20 years out of college. It's funny to think about how education was made more affordable than ever (relative to other times in history) but the entire system is designed to capitalize as much as possible off the students. But I digress, I apologize for the lack of updates, follow me on twitter, and yaddi yaddi yadda. See you next time!

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