Jan 18, 2016

Update live [Pre v0.1.0 build 3]

The 3rd pre-build is now up! Go grab it!

Day night + time system
Lust system
You'll now gain some money at the beginning as initially intended
Sex stat menu
New sex stat: Orgasms, Hand, Masturbation
Completed the intro
Completed the H-scenes
Completed H-scene 1's CGs
Placeholder 2 tiles high sprites

You can now enter name up to 12 characters long as opposed to just 8
Removed the loading screen
Skip intro now sends you to Hill West of Estal City instead of the Abandoned House
Intro sequence tweaks
Kerry's move route during the intro sequence is now 3 blocks instead of 2
Kerry's position will now reset everytime you return to the map to prevent Kerry from moving too far to the right
Initial inhibition for choosing to be a female is no longer 90 and is now the same as choosing male (100)
Changed the sound effects of Cursor, OK and Cancel -basically this means some sound effects are less annoying
Tweaked the way final selection works
The sex stat "oral" is renamed "mouth"
The currency "Gold" is now renamed "Dominion"

Choosing gender at the final selection option will no longer act like you selected Done
After H-scene 2 your stat for humanoid partners will now increase by 1

Debug room changes:
The Debug Bat will send you back to your previous location instead of a fixed location
Using the Debug Key while in the Debug Room will now also send you back to your previous location

Implemented scripts:
Status Menu Core by Yanfly
Actor Variables by Yanfly
Time System by Atelier-Rgss/Moghunter
Time System Hud by by Atelier-Rgss/Moghunter
Save File Extras by Amuseum
Splash Screen Ex by Soulpour777

1 comment:

  1. Aw, I am so ready for this! Can't wait for the next version!
