Jan 12, 2016

What's gonna be in v0.1.0?

You might have noticed that so far I've named my releases with the prefix "pre" and suffix "build x." What exactly does it mean? It essentially mean that until v0.1.0, these "pre-builds," as I like to call them, will be released periodically. These pre-builds for the most part is composed of unfinished content, which is why I named them pre-builds instead of a actual numbered build. Once the game hits v0.1.0, any subsequent updates will only have completed content. Now that doesn't mean that I won't revisit said content for whatever reason (be it bug fixes or whatever). It'll only mean that all updates since then will be numbered v0.1.1, v0.1.2 and so on. So, what EXACTLY will be in v0.1.0?

EDIT: Just to be clear, when I say that "any subsequent updates will only have completed content," it means it'll be mostly completed. That doesn't mean I won't be using placeholders of any sort. Art assets is the single, most time consuming thing to be done in a game. So there are likely gonna be placeholders at places here and there.

-A completed Estal City.
(Or at least a mostly completed one...) It's where you're gonna to spend most of your time in, after all.

-A house for the player.
Now without spoiling too much, you will eventually be able to upgrade your house into a mansion. But you're just gonna have to deal with having a small house for now.

-Custom/original sprites for almost everyone.
I said almost because there's still going to be a scene when you first enter Estal City, which has tons more NPCs. But yeah, almost. For the moment however, I will only be drawing these sprites in their usual chibi style. I plan to replace them entirely with taller (2 tiles high) sprites a la Chrono Trigger in the future.

No, not the kind that protrudes from a woman's chest. Go to the debug room and interact with the pink haired sleeping/dead dude. That's the kind of busts I'm talking about.

-Complete the 2 sets of CGs.
It's pretty much half way done by now, and if you missed my first post, I essentially finished the lineart of the first CG set and is currently painting them.

-Complete the intro
This one's pretty self explanatory.

This is just a vague list of things I want to have done in v0.1.0, but you can expect an odd feature or two to be implemented in the pre-builds. With all that being said, if you'd like to see a piece of content or feature to be in the game, suggest it! If I think it fits in the game, it'll likely be done. So go ahead and bombard me with your suggestions!


  1. As the game gets more popular (as it friggin should) do you plan on opening a patreon in an attempt to work on it full time? Or do you simply want to do this as a hobby, which is completely fine.

    ...Now that I think about it, this comment seems awfully nosy, so feel free to ignore it if I've offended and/or bothered you.

    1. Not at all! It's a legit concern. I do wanna set up Patreon, but I'm still toying around with ideas on how to implement it.

      I think it's a bit premature to do it now as the content (or lack thereof) in the game doesn't justify having a Patreon yet. Maybe sometime after v0.1.x ;)

    2. You can always set up a Patreon and charge by major updates, that way it's not unfair in the sense you charge without having any content, but you can still get a revenue, plus it's an incentive to work harder

    3. Well, I'm still toying with ideas. But like I said, it's still premature to do so at the game's current state. Thanks for the feedback though!
